The following documents the pyfar filter classes. Examples for working with
filter objects are part of the
:doc:`examples gallery<gallery:gallery/interactive/pyfar_filtering>`.
Available filters are shown in the
:doc:`filter types examples<gallery:gallery/interactive/pyfar_filter_types>`
and documented in :py:mod:`pyfar.dsp.filter`.
import deepdiff
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as spsignal
import pyfar as pf
from copy import deepcopy
def _atleast_3d_first_dim(arr):
arr = np.asarray(arr)
ndim = np.ndim(arr)
if ndim < 2:
arr = np.atleast_2d(arr)
if ndim < 3:
return arr[np.newaxis]
return arr
def _atleast_4d_first_dim(arr):
arr = np.asarray(arr)
ndim = np.ndim(arr)
if ndim < 3:
arr = _atleast_3d_first_dim(arr)
if ndim < 4:
return arr[np.newaxis]
return arr
def _pop_state_from_kwargs(**kwargs):
kwargs.pop('zi', None)
"This filter function does not support saving the filter state",
return kwargs
def _extend_sos_coefficients(sos, order):
Extend a set of SOS filter coefficients to match a required filter order
by adding sections with coefficients resulting in an ideal frequency
sos : array-like
The second order section filter coefficients.
order : int
The order to which the coefficients are to be extended.
sos_ext : array-like
The extended second order section coefficients.
sos_order = sos.shape[0]
if sos_order == order:
return sos
pad_len = order - sos_order
sos_ext = np.zeros((pad_len, 6))
sos_ext[:, 3] = 1.
sos_ext[:, 0] = 1.
return np.vstack((sos, sos_ext))
def _repr_string(filter_type, order, n_channels, sampling_rate):
"""Generate repr string for filter objects."""
ch_str = 'channel' if n_channels == 1 else 'channels'
if filter_type == "SOS":
sec_str = 'section' if order == 1 else 'sections'
representation = (f"SOS filter with {order} {sec_str} and "
f"{n_channels} {ch_str} "
f"@ {sampling_rate} Hz sampling rate")
if order % 10 == 1:
order_string = 'st'
elif order % 10 == 2:
order_string = 'nd'
elif order % 10 == 3:
order_string = 'rd'
order_string = 'th'
representation = (f"{order}{order_string} order "
f"{filter_type} filter with "
f"{n_channels} {ch_str} @ {sampling_rate} "
"Hz sampling rate")
return representation
class Filter(object):
Container class for digital filters.
This is an abstract class method, only used for the shared processing
method used for the application of a filter on a signal.
def __init__(
Initialize a general Filter object.
coefficients : array, double
The filter coefficients as an array.
sampling_rate : number
The sampling rate of the filter in Hz.
state : array, double, optional
The state of the buffer elements.
comment : str
A comment. The default is ``''``, which initializes an empty
The filter object.
if coefficients is not None:
self.coefficients = coefficients
self._coefficients = None
if state is not None:
if coefficients is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot set a state without filter coefficients")
state = _atleast_3d_first_dim(state)
self._initialized = True
self._initialized = False
self._state = state
self._sampling_rate = sampling_rate
self.comment = comment
def init_state(self, state='zeros'):
"""Initialize the buffer elements to pre-defined initial conditions."""
self._state = state
self._initialized = True
def coefficients(self):
Get and set the coefficients of the filter.
Refer to the
:doc:`gallery:gallery/interactive/pyfar_filter_types` for use
return self._coefficients
def coefficients(self, value):
"""Coefficients of the filter."""
self._coefficients = _atleast_3d_first_dim(value)
def sampling_rate(self):
"""Sampling rate of the filter in Hz. The sampling rate is set upon
initialization and cannot be changed after the object has been created.
return self._sampling_rate
def n_channels(self):
"""The number of channels of the filter."""
return self._coefficients.shape[0]
def state(self):
The current state of the filter as an array with dimensions
corresponding to the order of the filter and number of filter channels.
return self._state
def _process(coefficients, data, zi=None):
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class method.")
def process(self, signal, reset=False):
"""Apply the filter to a signal.
signal : Signal
The data to be filtered as Signal object.
reset : bool, optional
If set to ``True``, the filter state will be reset to zeros before
the filter is applied to the signal. Note that if the filter state
is ``None``, this option will have no effect. Use ``init_state``
to initialize a filter with no previously set state. The default
is ``'False'``.
filtered : Signal
A filtered copy of the input signal.
if not isinstance(signal, pf.Signal):
raise ValueError("The input needs to be a Signal object.")
if self.sampling_rate != signal.sampling_rate:
raise ValueError(
"The sampling rates of filter and signal do not match")
if reset is True:
# shape of the output signal. if n_channels is 1, it will be squeezed
# below
filtered_signal_data = np.zeros(
(self.n_channels, *signal.time.shape),
if self.state is not None:
new_state = np.zeros_like(self._state)
for idx, (coeff, state) in enumerate(
zip(self._coefficients, self._state)):
filtered_signal_data[idx, ...], new_state[idx, ...] = \
self._process(coeff, signal.time, state)
self._state = new_state
for idx, coeff in enumerate(self._coefficients):
filtered_signal_data[idx, ...] = self._process(
coeff, signal.time, zi=None)
# prepare output signal
filtered_signal = deepcopy(signal)
# squeeze first dimension if there is only one filter channel
if self.n_channels == 1:
filtered_signal.time = np.squeeze(filtered_signal_data, axis=0)
filtered_signal.time = filtered_signal_data
return filtered_signal
def reset(self):
"""Reset the filter state by filling it with zeros."""
if self._state is not None:
self._state = np.zeros_like(self._state)
self._state = None
def comment(self):
"""Get comment."""
return self._comment
def comment(self, value):
"""Set comment."""
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError("comment has to be of type string.")
self._comment = value
def copy(self):
"""Return a copy of the Filter object."""
return deepcopy(self)
def _encode(self):
"""Return dictionary for the encoding."""
return self.copy().__dict__
def _decode(cls, obj_dict):
"""Decode object based on its respective object dictionary."""
# initializing this way satisfies FIR, IIR and SOS initialization
obj = cls(np.zeros((1, 6)), None)
return obj
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check for equality of two objects."""
return not deepdiff.DeepDiff(self, other)
class FilterFIR(Filter):
Filter object for FIR filters.
coefficients : array, double
The filter coefficients as an array with dimensions
(number of channels, number of filter coefficients)
sampling_rate : number
The sampling rate of the filter in Hz.
state : array, double, optional
The state of the filter from prior information with dimensions
``(n_filter_chan, *cshape, order)``, where ``cshape`` is
the channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
to be filtered.
comment : str
A comment. The default is ``''``, which initializes an empty
The FIR filter object.
def __init__(self, coefficients, sampling_rate, state=None, comment=""):
super().__init__(coefficients, sampling_rate, state, comment)
def order(self):
"""The order of the filter."""
return self._coefficients.shape[-1] - 1
def coefficients(self):
Get and set the coefficients of the filter.
Refer to the
:doc:`gallery:gallery/interactive/pyfar_filter_types` for use
# property from Filter is overwritten, because FilterFIR internally
# also stores a-coefficients easier handling of coefficients across
# filter classes. The user should only see the b-coefficients, however.
return self._coefficients[:, 0]
def coefficients(self, value):
"""Coefficients of the filter."""
b = np.atleast_2d(value)
# add a-coefficients for easier handling across filter classes
a = np.zeros_like(b)
a[..., 0] = 1
coeff = np.stack((b, a), axis=-2)
self._coefficients = _atleast_3d_first_dim(coeff)
def init_state(self, cshape, state='zeros'):
"""Initialize the buffer elements to pre-defined initial conditions.
cshape : tuple, int
The channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
which is to be filtered.
state : str, optional
The desired state. This can either be ``'zeros'`` which initializes
an empty filter, or ``'step'`` which constructs the initial
conditions for step response steady-state. The default is 'zeros'.
new_state = np.zeros((self.n_channels, *cshape, self.order))
if state == 'step':
for idx, coeff in enumerate(self._coefficients):
new_state[idx, ...] = spsignal.lfilter_zi(coeff[0], coeff[1])
def _process(coefficients, data, zi=None):
"""Process a single filter channel.
This is a hidden static method required for a shared processing
function in the parent class.
return spsignal.lfilter(coefficients[0], 1, data, zi=zi)
def __repr__(self):
"""Representation of the filter object."""
return _repr_string(
"FIR", self.order, self.n_channels, self.sampling_rate)
class FilterIIR(Filter):
Filter object for IIR filters.
For IIR filters with high orders, second order section IIR filters using
FilterSOS should be considered.
coefficients : array, double
The filter coefficients as an array, with shape
(number of channels, 2, max(number of coefficients in the nominator,
number of coefficients in the denominator))
sampling_rate : number
The sampling rate of the filter in Hz.
state : array, double, optional
The state of the filter from prior information with dimensions
``(n_filter_chan, *cshape, order)``, where ``cshape`` is
the channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
to be filtered.
comment : str
A comment. The default is ``''``, which initializes an empty
The IIR filter object.
def __init__(self, coefficients, sampling_rate, state=None, comment=""):
super().__init__(coefficients, sampling_rate, state, comment)
def order(self):
"""The order of the filter."""
return np.max(self._coefficients.shape[-2:]) - 1
def init_state(self, cshape, state):
"""Initialize the buffer elements to pre-defined initial conditions.
cshape : tuple, int
The channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
which is to be filtered.
state : str, optional
The desired state. This can either be ``'zeros'`` which initializes
an empty filter, or ``'step'`` which constructs the initial
conditions for step response steady-state. The default is 'zeros'.
new_state = np.zeros((self.n_channels, *cshape, self.order))
if state == 'step':
for idx, coeff in enumerate(self._coefficients):
new_state[idx, ...] = spsignal.lfilter_zi(coeff[0], coeff[1])
return super().init_state(state=new_state)
def _process(coefficients, data, zi=None):
"""Process a single filter channel.
This is a hidden static method required for a shared processing
function in the parent class.
return spsignal.lfilter(coefficients[0], coefficients[1], data, zi=zi)
def __repr__(self):
"""Representation of the filter object."""
return _repr_string(
"IIR", self.order, self.n_channels, self.sampling_rate)
class FilterSOS(Filter):
Filter object for IIR filters as second order sections (SOS).
coefficients : array, double
The filter coefficients as an array with dimensions
``(n_filter_chan, n_sections, 6)`` The first three values of
a section provide the numerator coefficients, the last three values
the denominator coefficients, e.g,
``[[[ b[0], b[1], b[2], a[0], a[1], a[2] ]]]`` for a single channel
SOS filter with one section.
sampling_rate : number
The sampling rate of the filter in Hz.
state : array, double, optional
The state of the filter from prior information with dimensions
``(n_filter_chan, *cshape, n_sections, 2)``, where ``cshape`` is
the channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
to be filtered.
comment : str
A comment. The default is ``''``, which initializes an emptry
The SOS filter object.
def __init__(self, coefficients, sampling_rate, state=None, comment=""):
if state is not None:
state = _atleast_4d_first_dim(state)
super().__init__(coefficients, sampling_rate, state, comment)
def coefficients(self, value):
"""Coefficients of the filter."""
coeff = _atleast_3d_first_dim(value)
if coeff.shape[-1] != 6:
raise ValueError(
"The coefficients are not in line with a second order",
"section filter structure.")
self._coefficients = coeff
def order(self):
"""The order of the filter.
This is always twice the number of sections.
return 2*self.n_sections
def n_sections(self):
"""The number of sections."""
return self._coefficients.shape[-2]
def init_state(self, cshape, state='zeros'):
"""Initialize the buffer elements to pre-defined initial conditions.
cshape : tuple, int
The channel shape of the :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
which is to be filtered.
state : str, optional
The desired state. This can either be ``'zeros'`` which initializes
an empty filter, or ``'step'`` which constructs the initial
conditions for step response steady-state. The default is 'zeros'.
new_state = np.zeros((self.n_channels, *cshape, self.n_sections, 2))
if state == 'step':
for idx, coeff in enumerate(self._coefficients):
new_state[idx, ...] = spsignal.sosfilt_zi(coeff)
return super().init_state(state=new_state)
def _process(sos, data, zi=None):
"""Process a single filter channel.
This is a hidden static method required for a shared processing
function in the parent class.
if zi is not None:
zi = zi.transpose(1, 0, 2)
res = spsignal.sosfilt(sos, data, zi=zi, axis=-1)
if zi is not None:
zi = res[1].transpose(1, 0, 2)
return res[0], zi
return res
def __repr__(self):
"""Representation of the filter object."""
return _repr_string(
"SOS", self.n_sections, self.n_channels, self.sampling_rate)