The following introduces the :py:class:`~TransmissionMatrix` class available
in pyfar.
Transmission matrices (short T-matrices) are a convenient representation of
`Two-ports` or `Quadrupoles`. These can represent systems from various
fields, e.g. electrical circuits, mechanical vibration, (acoustic) transmission
System properties like input impedance or transfer functions can directly be
derived from a T-matrix. Furthermore, systems can be cascaded my multiplying
consecutive T-matrices simply using the ``@`` operator:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> frequencies = (100,200,300)
>>> # T-matrix with arbitrary data
>>> A = np.ones(len(frequencies))
>>> (B,C,D) = (A+1,A+2,A+3)
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(A,B,C,D,frequencies)
>>> # T-matrix of a bypass system
>>> tmat_bypass = pf.TransmissionMatrix.create_identity(frequencies)
>>> # Cascade
>>> tmat_out = tmat @ tmat_bypass
>>> tmat_out.freq == tmat.freq
from __future__ import annotations # required for Python <= 3.9
import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as npt
from pyfar.classes.audio import FrequencyData
class TransmissionMatrix(FrequencyData):
r"""Class representing a transmission matrix.
This implementation is based on a paper by Lampton [#]_ and uses the ABCD-
representation. A single T-matrix is a (2x2)-matrix of the form:
.. math::
T = \begin{bmatrix}
A & B \\
C & D
This class is derived from :py:class:`~pyfar.classes.audio.FrequencyData`,
representing a frequency-dependent matrix of a multi-dimensional form
In the easiest case, each matrix entry (A,B,C,D) is a single-channel
FrequencyData object (i.e. a vector depending on frequency). However,
additional dimensions can be used to represent additional variables (e.g.
multiple layouts of an electrical circuit).
This class is derived from
:py:class:`~pyfar.classes.audio.FrequencyData` but has a special
constraint: The underlying frequency domain data must match a shape like
(..., 2, 2, N). The last axis refers to the frequency, and the two axes
before to the ABCD-Matrix (which is a 2x2 matrix), so the resulting cshape
is (...,2,2).
Another point is the numerical handling when deriving input/output
impedance or transfer functions (see :py:func:`~input_impedance`,
:py:func:`~output_impedance`, :py:func:`~transfer_function`):
In the respective equations, the load impedance Zl is usually multiplied.
However, Zl is applied in the form of 1/Zl (as admittance) for Zl = inf
to avoid numerical problems.
There are additional cases where certain entries of the
T-matrix being zero might still lead to the main denominator becoming zero.
For these cases, the denominator is set to eps.
.. [#] M. Lampton. “Transmission Matrices in Electroacoustics". Acustica.
Vol. 39, pp. 239-251. 1978.
def __init__(self, data, frequencies, comment = ""):
"""Initialize TransmissionMatrix with data, and frequencies.
This should not be used directly. Instead use :py:func:`~from_abcd`.
or :py:func:`~from_tmatrix`.
shape = np.shape(data)
n_dim = len(shape)
if n_dim < 3 or shape[-3] != 2 or shape[-2] != 2:
raise ValueError("'data' must have a shape like "
"(..., 2, 2, n_bins), e.g. (2, 2, 100).")
super().__init__(data, frequencies, comment)
def from_tmatrix(cls, data, frequencies, comment = ""):
"""Create TransmissionMatrix using data in T-matrix shape
and frequencies.
For using individual objects for A, B, C, D matrix entries,
see :py:func:`~from_abcd`.
data : array_like, double
Raw data in the frequency domain.
In contrast to the :py:class:`~pyfar.classes.audio.FrequencyData`
class, data must have a shape of the form (..., 2, 2, N), e.g.
(2, 2, 1024) or (3, 2, 2, 1024). In those examples 1024 refers to
the number of frequency bins and the two dimensions before that to
the (2x2) ABCD matrices. Supported data types are ``int``,
``float`` or ``complex``, where ``int`` is converted to ``float``.
frequencies : array_like, double
Frequencies of the data in Hz. The number of frequencies must match
the size of the last dimension of data.
comment : str, optional
A comment related to the data. The default is ``""``, which
initializes an empty string.
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> frequencies = (100,200,300)
>>> data = np.ones( (2, 2, len(frequencies)) )
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_tmatrix(data, frequencies)
>>> data = np.ones( (3, 2, 2, len(frequencies)) )
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_tmatrix(data, frequencies)
return cls(data, frequencies, comment)
def from_abcd(cls, A, B, C, D, frequencies = None):
"""Create a TransmissionMatrix object from A-, B-, C-, D-data, and
A : FrequencyData, array_like, double
Raw data for the matrix entries A. The data need to match the
B, C and D entry or be broadcastable into one ``shape``.
B : FrequencyData, array_like, double
See A.
C : FrequencyData, array_like, double
See A.
D : FrequencyData, array_like, double
See A.
frequencies : array, double, None
Frequencies of the data in Hz. This is optional if using the
FrequencyData type for A, B, C, D.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> frequencies = (100,200,300)
>>> # From np.array
>>> A = np.ones(len(frequencies))
>>> (B,C,D) = (A+1, A+2, A+3)
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(A,B,C,D, frequencies)
>>> tmat
>>> # From FrequencyData objects
>>> A = pf.FrequencyData( A, frequencies )
>>> (B,C,D) = (A+1, A+2, A+3)
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(A,B,C,D)
>>> tmat
>>> # Data with higher abcd dimension
>>> A = np.ones( (3, 4, len(frequencies)) )
>>> (B,C,D) = (A+1, A+2, A+3)
>>> tmat = pf.TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(A,B,C,D, frequencies)
>>> tmat
num_freqdata = 0
for obj in (A,B,C,D):
if isinstance(obj, FrequencyData):
num_freqdata = num_freqdata + 1
if num_freqdata == 4:
frequencies = A.frequencies
for obj in (B,C,D): #Frequency bins must match
npt.assert_allclose(frequencies, obj.frequencies, atol=1e-15)
(A,B,C,D) = (A.freq, B.freq, C.freq, D.freq)
elif num_freqdata != 0:
raise ValueError(
"If using FrequencyData objects, all matrix entries "
"A, B, C, D, must be FrequencyData objects.")
if frequencies is None:
raise ValueError("'frequencies' must be specified if not using "
"'FrequencyData' objects as input.")
# broadcast shapes
shape = np.broadcast_shapes(
np.array(A).shape, np.array(B).shape,
np.array(C).shape, np.array(D).shape)
A = np.broadcast_to(A, shape)
B = np.broadcast_to(B, shape)
C = np.broadcast_to(C, shape)
D = np.broadcast_to(D, shape)
data = np.array([[A, B], [C, D]])
# Switch dimension order so that T matrices refer to
# third and second last dimension (axes -3 and -2)
order = np.array(range(data.ndim-1))
order = np.roll(order, -2)
order = np.append(order, data.ndim-1)
data = np.transpose(data, order)
return cls(data, frequencies)
def abcd_caxes(self):
"""The indices of the channel axes referring to the transmission
matrix, namely (-2, -1).
return (-2, -1)
def abcd_cshape(self):
"""The channel shape of the transmission matrix entries (A, B, C, D).
This is the same as 'cshape' without the last two elements.
As an exception, a matrix with cshape (2,2) will return
(1,) as abcd_cshape.
abcd_cshape = self.cshape[:-2]
if abcd_cshape == ():
abcd_cshape = (1,)
return abcd_cshape
def A(self) -> FrequencyData:
"""A entry of the transmission matrix."""
return FrequencyData(self.freq[..., 0, 0, :], self.frequencies,
def B(self) -> FrequencyData:
"""B entry of the transmission matrix."""
return FrequencyData(self.freq[..., 0, 1, :], self.frequencies,
def C(self) -> FrequencyData:
"""C entry of the transmission matrix."""
return FrequencyData(self.freq[..., 1, 0, :], self.frequencies,
def D(self) -> FrequencyData:
"""D entry of the transmission matrix."""
return FrequencyData(self.freq[..., 1, 1, :], self.frequencies,
def _check_for_inf(self, Zl: complex | FrequencyData):
"""Check given load impedance for np.inf values.
idx_inf : logical array
An np.ndarray of logicals pointing to elements referring to
Zl = inf. The shape is broadcasted to self.A.freq so that it can be
applied to the A-,B-,C-,D-entries.
idx_inf_Zl : logical array
An np.ndarray of logicals pointing to elements referring to
Zl = inf. The shape refers to an indexable version of given Zl.
Zl_indexable : np.ndarray
An indexable version of Zl.
if isinstance(Zl, FrequencyData):
Zl = Zl.freq
elif np.isscalar(Zl):
Zl = np.atleast_1d(Zl)
target_shape = list(self.abcd_cshape) + [self.n_bins]
idx_inf_Zl = Zl == np.inf
if target_shape is not None:
idx_inf = np.broadcast_to(idx_inf_Zl, target_shape)
return idx_inf, idx_inf_Zl, Zl
def output_impedance(self, Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
r"""Calculates the output impedance given the load impedance Zl at the
Two-port representation::
| x x
Zl x x <--Zout
| x x
See Equation (2-6) in Reference [1]_:
:math:`Z_\mathrm{out} = \frac{DZ_L + B}{CZ_L + A}`
For a code example, see :py:func:`~input_impedance` and exchange
respective method call with `output_impedance`.
Zl : scalar | FrequencyData
The load impedance data as scalar or FrequencyData. In latter case,
the shape must match the entries of the T-matrix, i.e.
shape(tmat.A.freq) == shape(Zl.freq), or must be broadcastable.
Zout : FrequencyData
A FrequencyData object with the resulting output impedance. The
cshape is identical to the entries of the T-matrix, i.e.
tmat.A.cshape == Zout.cshape.
nominator = (self.D * Zl + self.B)
denominator = (self.C * Zl + self.A)
# Admittance form for Zl = inf
idx_inf, __, __ = self._check_for_inf(Zl)
nominator.freq[idx_inf] = (self.D + self.B / Zl).freq[idx_inf]
denominator.freq[idx_inf] = (self.C + self.A / Zl).freq[idx_inf]
# Avoid cases where denominator is zero, examples
# Zl = 0 & A = 0; Zl = inf & C = 0
denominator.freq[denominator.freq == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
return nominator / denominator
def transfer_function(self, quantity_indices,
Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
r"""Returns the transfer function (output/input) for specified
quantities and a given load impedance.
The transfer function is the relation between an output and input
quantity of modelled two-port and depends on the load impedance at the
output. Since there are two quantities at input and output
respectively, four transfer functions exist in total. The first usually
refers to the "voltage-like" quantity (:math:`Q_1`) whereas the second
refers to the "current-like" quantity (:math:`Q_2`).
The transfer functions can be derived from Equation (2-1)
in Reference [1]_:
.. math::
Q_{1,\mathrm{in}} = AQ_{1,\mathrm{out}} + BQ_{2,\mathrm{in}}
Q_{2,\mathrm{in}} = CQ_{1,\mathrm{out}} + DQ_{2,\mathrm{in}}
The four transfer functions are defined as:
* :math:`Q_{1,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{1,\mathrm{in}}` using
:math:`Q_{2,\mathrm{out}} = Q_{1,\mathrm{out}}/Z_L`
* :math:`Q_{2,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{1,\mathrm{in}} =
Q_{1,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{1,\mathrm{in}} \cdot \frac{1}{Z_L}`
* :math:`Q_{2,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{2,\mathrm{in}}` using
:math:`Q_{1,\mathrm{out}} = Q_{2,\mathrm{out}}\cdot Z_L`
* :math:`Q_{1,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{2,\mathrm{in}} =
Q_{2,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{2,\mathrm{in}} \cdot Z_L`
quantity_indices : array_like (int, int)
Array-like object with two integer elements referring to the
indices of the utilized quantity at the output (first integer)
and input (second integer). For example, (1,0) refers to the
transfer function :math:`Q_{2,\mathrm{out}} / Q_{1,\mathrm{in}}`.
Zl : scalar | FrequencyData
The load impedance data as scalar or FrequencyData. In latter case,
the shape must match the entries of the T-matrix, i.e.
shape(tmat.A.freq) == shape(Zl.freq), or must be broadcastable.
transfer_function : FrequencyData
A FrequencyData object with the resulting transfer function. The
cshape is identical to the entries of the T-matrix, i.e.
tmat.A.cshape == transfer_function.cshape.
is_scalar = np.isscalar(quantity_indices)
quantity_indices = np.array(quantity_indices)
is_numeric = np.issubdtype(quantity_indices.dtype, np.number)
if is_scalar or not is_numeric or not len(quantity_indices) == 2:
raise ValueError("'quantity_indices' must be an array-like type "
"with two numeric elements.")
if not all(np.logical_or(quantity_indices==0, quantity_indices==1)):
raise ValueError("'quantity_indices' must contain two integers "
"between 0 and 1.")
if quantity_indices[0] == 0 and quantity_indices[1] == 0:
return self._transfer_function_q1q1(Zl)
if quantity_indices[0] == 1 and quantity_indices[1] == 1:
return self._transfer_function_q2q2(Zl)
if quantity_indices[0] == 1 and quantity_indices[1] == 0:
return self._transfer_function_q2q1(Zl)
if quantity_indices[0] == 0 and quantity_indices[1] == 1:
return self._transfer_function_q1q2(Zl)
def _transfer_function_q1q1(self,
Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
"""Returns the first quantity's transfer function (Q1_out/Q1_in)."""
idx_inf, __, __ = self._check_for_inf(Zl)
denominator = (self.A * Zl + self.B)
nominator = Zl*FrequencyData(np.ones_like(denominator.freq),
# Admittance form for Zl = inf
nominator.freq[idx_inf] = 1
denominator.freq[idx_inf] = (self.A + self.B / Zl).freq[idx_inf]
# Avoid cases where denominator is zero, examples
# Zl = 0 & B = 0; Zl = inf & A = 0
denominator.freq[denominator.freq == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
return nominator / denominator
def _transfer_function_q2q1(self,
Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
"""Returns the transfer function Q2_out / Q1_in."""
denominator = (self.A * Zl + self.B)
nominator = FrequencyData(np.ones_like(denominator.freq),
# In cases where the denominator is zero, e.g. Zl = 0 & B = 0,
# are related to short-circuated outputs (undefined current) => NaN
denominator.freq[denominator.freq == 0] = np.nan
return nominator / denominator
def _transfer_function_q2q2(self,
Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
"""Returns the second quantity's transfer function (Q2_out/Q2_in)."""
denominator = (self.C * Zl + self.D)
nominator = FrequencyData(np.ones_like(denominator.freq),
# Admittance form for Zl = inf
idx_inf, idx_inf_Zl, Zl_indexable = self._check_for_inf(Zl)
nominator.freq[idx_inf] = 1 / Zl_indexable[idx_inf_Zl]
denominator.freq[idx_inf] = (self.C + self.D / Zl).freq[idx_inf]
# Avoid cases where denominator is zero, examples
# Zl = 0 & D = 0; Zl = inf & C = 0
denominator.freq[denominator.freq == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
return nominator / denominator
def _transfer_function_q1q2(self,
Zl: complex | FrequencyData) -> FrequencyData:
"""Returns the transfer function Q1_out / Q2_in."""
denominator = (self.C * Zl + self.D)
nominator = Zl*FrequencyData(np.ones_like(denominator.freq),
# Admittance form for Zl = inf
idx_inf, __, __ = self._check_for_inf(Zl)
nominator.freq[idx_inf] = 1
denominator.freq[idx_inf] = (self.C + self.D / Zl).freq[idx_inf]
# In cases where the denominator is zero, e.g. Zl = inf & C = 0,
# are related to non-physical cases (e.g. undefined current/voltage)
# => NaN
denominator.freq[denominator.freq == 0] = np.nan
return nominator / denominator
def create_identity(frequencies = None):
r"""Creates an object with identity matrix entries (bypass).
See Equation (2-7) in Table I of Reference [1]_:
.. math::
T = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1
frequencies : None | array_like, optional
The frequency sampling points in Hz. The default is `None` which
will result in this function to return an np.ndarray instead of an
TransmissionMatrix object.
tmat : np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix
If frequencies are specified, a TransmissionMatrix object that
contains one 2x2 identity matrix per bin is returned. Otherwise,
this returns a 2x2 np.ndarray.
if frequencies is None or len(frequencies) == 0:
return np.eye(2)
return TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(np.ones_like(frequencies),
0, 0, 1, frequencies)
def create_series_impedance(impedance: complex | FrequencyData,
) -> np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix:
r"""Creates a transmission matrix representing a series impedance.
This means the impedance is connected in series with a potential load
impedance. See Equation (2-8) in Table I of Reference [1]_:
.. math::
T = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & Z \\
0 & 1
impedance : scalar | FrequencyData
The impedance data of the series impedance.
tmat : np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix
A transmission matrix representing the series connection
and can be cascaded with TransmissionMatrix objects.
If a scalar was used as input a frequency-independent
matrix is returned, namely an np.ndarray of shape (2,2).
if np.isscalar(impedance) and not isinstance(impedance, str):
tmat = np.identity(2)
tmat[0,1] = impedance
return tmat
if not isinstance(impedance, FrequencyData):
raise ValueError("'impedance' must be a "
"numerical scalar or FrequencyData object.")
return TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(
1, impedance.freq, 0, 1, impedance.frequencies)
def create_shunt_admittance(admittance: complex | FrequencyData,
) -> np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix:
r"""Creates a transmission matrix representing a shunt admittance
(parallel connection).
In this case, the impedance (= 1 / admittance) is connected in parallel
with a potential load impedance.
See Equation (2-9) in Table I of Reference [1]_:
.. math::
T = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 \\
Y & 1
admittance : scalar | FrequencyData
The admittance data of the element connected in parallel.
tmat : np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix
A transmission matrix representing a parallel connection
and can be cascaded with TransmissionMatrix objects.
If a scalar was used as input a frequency-independent
matrix is returned, namely an np.ndarray of shape (2,2).
if np.isscalar(admittance) and not isinstance(admittance, str):
tmat = np.identity(2)
tmat[1,0] = admittance
return tmat
if not isinstance(admittance, FrequencyData):
raise ValueError("'admittance' must be a "
"numerical scalar or FrequencyData object.")
return TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(
1, 0, admittance.freq, 1, admittance.frequencies)
def create_gyrator(transducer_constant :
complex | FrequencyData) -> np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix:
r"""Creates a transmission matrix representing a gyrator.
The T-matrix is defined by a transducer constant (:math:`M`),
see Equation (2-14) in Table I of Reference [1]_:
.. math::
T = \begin{bmatrix}
0 & M \\
1/M & 0
:math:`M` connects the first input and second output quantity (e.g.,
:math:`U_\mathrm{out} = I_\mathrm{in} \cdot M`). A respective system
with load :math:`Z_L` has the input impedance
:math:`Z_\mathrm{in} = M^2 / Z_L`.
transducer_constant : scalar | FrequencyData
The transducer constant :math:`M`. If a scalar is given,
i.e. a frequency-independent transformer matrix is requested, the
return value will be a 2x2 np.ndarray instead.
tmat : np.ndarray | TransmissionMatrix
A the transmission matrix representing the gyrator and can be
cascaded with TransmissionMatrix objects. If a scalar was used as
input a frequency-independent matrix is returned, namely an
np.ndarray of shape (2,2).
if np.isscalar(transducer_constant) and not isinstance(
transducer_constant, str):
tmat = np.zeros([2,2])
tmat[0,1] = transducer_constant
tmat[1,0] = 1/transducer_constant
return tmat
if not isinstance(transducer_constant, FrequencyData):
raise ValueError("'transducer_constant' must be a "
"numerical scalar or FrequencyData object.")
B = transducer_constant.freq
C = (1/transducer_constant).freq
frequencies = transducer_constant.frequencies
return TransmissionMatrix.from_abcd(0, B, C, 0, frequencies)
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of TransmissionMatrix class."""
repr_string = (
f"{self.abcd_cshape} channels per matrix entry "
f"with {self.n_bins} frequencies\n"
f"Total number of {self.cshape} channels")
return repr_string
def _decode(cls, obj_dict):
"""Decode object based on its respective `_encode` counterpart."""
obj = cls(
return obj
def is_indexable(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if ABCD-entries have more than one channel and are
therefore indexable.
return len(self.cshape) > 2
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get copied slice of the TransmissionMatrix at key.
Note, that slicing ABCD or frequency dimensions is not possible.
if not self.is_indexable():
raise IndexError(
"Object is not indexable, since ABCD-entries " \
"only have a single channel")
# Add three empty slices at the end to always get all data contained
# in frequency and T-Matrix dimensions (last three dimensions).
if hasattr(key, '__iter__'):
key = (*key, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None))
# try indexing and raise verbose errors if it fails
data = self._data[key]
except IndexError as error:
if 'too many indices for array' in str(error):
raise IndexError((
f'Indexed dimensions must not exceed the ABCD '
f'channel dimension (abcd_cdim), which is '
f'{len(self.abcd_cshape)}')) from error
raise error
return TransmissionMatrix.from_tmatrix(
data, frequencies=self.frequencies,