"""Audio filter design and application."""
import warnings
from pyfar.classes.warnings import PyfarDeprecationWarning
import numpy as np
import pyfar as pf
from . import _audiofilter as iir
def allpass(signal, frequency, order, coefficients=None, sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply first or second order allpass filter.
Allpass filters have an almost constant group delay below their cut-off
frequency and are often used in analogue loudspeaker design.
The filter transfer function is based on Tietze et al. [#]_:
.. math:: A(s) = \frac{1-\frac{a_i}{\omega_c} s+\frac{b_i}
{\omega_c^2} s^2}{1+\frac{a_i}{\omega_c} s
+\frac{b_i}{\omega_c^2} s^2},
where :math:`\omega_c = 2 \pi f_c` with the cut-off frequency :math:`f_c`
and :math:`s=\mathrm{i} \omega`.
By definition the ``bi`` coefficient of a first order allpass is ``0``.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Cutoff frequency of the allpass in Hz.
order : number
Order of the allpass filter. Must be ``1`` or ``2``.
coefficients: number, list, optional
Filter characteristic coefficients ``bi`` and ``ai``.
- For 1st order allpass provide ai-coefficient as single value.\n
The default is ``ai = 0.6436``.
- For 2nd order allpass provide coefficients as list ``[bi, ai]``.\n
The default is ``bi = 0.8832``, ``ai = 1.6278``.
Defaults are chosen according to Tietze et al. (Fig. 12.66)
for maximum flat group delay.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] Tietze, U., Schenk, C. & Gamm, E. (2019). Halbleiter-
Schaltungstechnik (16th ed.). Springer Vieweg
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
First and second order allpass filter with ``fc = 1000`` Hz.
.. plot::
import pyfar as pf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# impulse to be filtered
impulse = pf.signals.impulse(256)
orders = [1, 2]
labels = ['First order', 'Second order']
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, layout='constrained')
for (order, label) in zip(orders, labels):
# create and apply allpass filter
sig_filt = pf.dsp.filter.allpass(impulse, 1000, order)
pf.plot.group_delay(sig_filt, unit='samples', label=label, ax=ax1)
pf.plot.phase(sig_filt, label=label, ax=ax2, unwrap = True)
ax1.set_title('1. and 2. order allpass filter with fc = 1000 Hz')
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# check if coefficients match filter order
if coefficients is not None and (
(order == 1 and np.isscalar(coefficients) is False) or
(order == 2 and (
not isinstance(coefficients, (list, np.ndarray)) or
len(coefficients) != 2))):
print(type(coefficients), order)
raise ValueError('Coefficients must match the allpass order')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
if order == 1:
if coefficients is None:
coefficients = 0.6436
# get filter coefficients for first order allpass
b, a = iir.biquad_ap1st(frequency, fs, ai=coefficients)[2:]
elif order == 2:
if coefficients is None:
coefficients = [0.8832, 1.6278]
# get filter coefficients for second order allpass
b, a = iir.biquad_ap2nd(
frequency, fs, bi=coefficients[0], ai=coefficients[1])[2:]
raise ValueError('Order must be 1 or 2')
filter_coeffs = np.stack((b, a), axis=0)
filt = pf.FilterIIR(filter_coeffs, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Allpass of order {order} with cutoff frequency "
f"{frequency} Hz.")
if signal is None:
# return the filter-object
return filt
# return filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def bell(signal, center_frequency, gain, quality, bell_type='II',
quality_warp='cos', sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply second order bell (parametric equalizer) filter.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
center_frequency : number
Center frequency of the parametric equalizer in Hz
gain : number
Gain of the parametric equalizer in dB
quality : number
Quality of the parametric equalizer, i.e., the inverse of the
bell_type : str
Defines the bandwidth/quality. The default is ``'II'``.
not recommended. Also known as 'constant Q'.
defines the bandwidth by the points 3 dB below the maximum if the
gain is positive and 3 dB above the minimum if the gain is
negative. Also known as 'symmetric'.
defines the bandwidth by the points at gain/2. Also known as
'half pad loss'.
quality_warp : str
Sets the pre-warping for the quality (``'cos'``, ``'sin'``, or
``'tan'``). The default is ``'cos'``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
if bell_type not in ['I', 'II', 'III']:
raise ValueError(("bell_type must be 'I', 'II' or "
f"'III' but is '{bell_type}'.'"))
if quality_warp not in ['cos', 'sin', 'tan']:
raise ValueError(("quality_warp must be 'cos', 'sin' or "
f"'tan' but is '{quality_warp}'.'"))
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# get filter coefficients
ba = np.zeros((2, 3))
_, _, b, a = iir.biquad_peq2nd(
center_frequency, gain, quality, fs, bell_type, quality_warp)
ba[0] = b
ba[1] = a
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterIIR(ba, fs)
filt.comment = ("Second order bell (parametric equalizer) "
f"of type {bell_type} with {gain} dB gain at "
f"{center_frequency} Hz (Quality = {quality}).")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def high_shelve(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelve_type='I',
:py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.high_shelve` will be deprecated in
pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.high_shelf`.
Create and/or apply first or second order high shelf filter.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency of the shelf in Hz.
gain : number
Gain of the shelf in dB.
order : number
The shelf order. Must be ``1`` or ``2``.
shelve_type : str
Defines the characteristic frequency. The default is ``'I'``.
Defines the characteristic frequency 3 dB below the `gain` value if
the `gain` is positive and 3 dB above the `gain` value if the
`gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at 3 dB if the `gain` is
positive and at -3 dB if the `gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at `gain`/2 dB.
For types ``I`` and ``II`` the absolute value of the `gain` must be
sufficiently large (> 9 dB) to set the characteristic
frequency according to the above rules with an error below 0.5 dB.
For smaller absolute `gain` values the gain at the characteristic
frequency becomes less accurate.
For type ``III`` the characteristic frequency is always set correctly.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
warnings.warn(("'high_shelve' will be deprecated in pyfar 0.9.0 in favor"
" of 'high_shelf'"), PyfarDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return high_shelf(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelve_type,
def high_shelf(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelf_type='I',
Create and/or apply first or second order high shelf filter.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency of the shelf in Hz.
gain : number
Gain of the shelf in dB.
order : number
The shelf order. Must be ``1`` or ``2``.
shelf_type : str
Defines the characteristic frequency. The default is ``'I'``.
Defines the characteristic frequency 3 dB below the `gain` value if
the `gain` is positive and 3 dB above the `gain` value if the
`gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at 3 dB if the `gain` is
positive and at -3 dB if the `gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at `gain`/2 dB.
For types ``I`` and ``II`` the absolute value of the `gain` must be
sufficiently large (> 9 dB) to set the characteristic
frequency according to the above rules with an error below 0.5 dB.
For smaller absolute `gain` values the gain at the characteristic
frequency becomes less accurate.
For type ``III`` the characteristic frequency is always set correctly.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
output = _shelf(
signal, frequency, gain, order, shelf_type, sampling_rate, 'high')
return output
def low_shelve(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelve_type='I',
:py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.low_shelve` will be deprecated in
pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.low_shelf`.
Create and apply first or second order low shelf filter.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency of the shelf in Hz.
gain : number
Gain of the shelf in dB.
order : number
The shelf order. Must be ``1`` or ``2``.
shelve_type : str
Defines the characteristic frequency. The default is ``'I'``.
Defines the characteristic frequency 3 dB below the `gain` value if
the `gain` is positive and 3 dB above the `gain` value if the
`gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at 3 dB if the `gain` is
positive and at -3 dB if the `gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at `gain`/2 dB.
For types ``I`` and ``II`` the absolute value of the `gain` must be
sufficiently large (> 9 dB) to set the characteristic
frequency according to the above rules with an error below 0.5 dB.
For smaller absolute `gain` values the gain at the characteristic
frequency becomes less accurate.
For type ``III`` the characteristic frequency is always set correctly.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
warnings.warn(("'low_shelve' will be deprecated in pyfar 0.9.0 in favor "
"of 'low_shelf'"), PyfarDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return low_shelf(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelve_type,
def low_shelf(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelf_type='I',
Create and apply first or second order low shelf filter.
Uses the implementation of [#]_.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency of the shelf in Hz.
gain : number
Gain of the shelf in dB.
order : number
The shelf order. Must be ``1`` or ``2``.
shelf_type : str
Defines the characteristic frequency. The default is ``'I'``.
Defines the characteristic frequency 3 dB below the `gain` value if
the `gain` is positive and 3 dB above the `gain` value if the
`gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at 3 dB if the `gain` is
positive and at -3 dB if the `gain` is negative.
Defines the characteristic frequency at `gain`/2 dB.
For types ``I`` and ``II`` the absolute value of the `gain` must be
sufficiently large (> 9 dB) to set the characteristic
frequency according to the above rules with an error below 0.5 dB.
For smaller absolute `gain` values the gain at the characteristic
frequency becomes less accurate.
For type ``III`` the characteristic frequency is always set correctly.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterIIR
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] https://github.com/spatialaudio/digital-signal-processing-lecture/blob/master/filter_design/audiofilter.py
output = _shelf(
signal, frequency, gain, order, shelf_type, sampling_rate, 'low')
return output
def high_shelve_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type="lower", gain=None, slope=None,
bandwidth=None, N=None, sampling_rate=None):
:py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.high_shelve_cascade` will be deprecated in
pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.high_shelf_cascade`.
Create and apply constant slope filter from cascaded 2nd order high
The filters - also known as High-Schultz filters (cf. [#]_) - are defined
by their characteristic frequency, gain, slope, and bandwidth. Two out of
the three parameter `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` must be specified,
while the third parameter is calculated as
``gain = bandwidth * slope``
``bandwidth = abs(gain/slope)``
``slope = gain/bandwidth``
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency in Hz (see `frequency_type`)
frequency_type : string
Defines how `frequency` is used
`frequency` gives the upper characteristic frequency. In this case
the lower characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth / frequency``
`frequency` gives the lower characteristic frequency. In this case
the upper characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth * frequency``
gain : number
The filter gain in dB. The default is ``None``, which calculates the
gain from the `slope` and `bandwidth` (must be given if `gain` is
slope : number
Filter slope in dB per octave, with positive values denoting a rising
filter slope and negative values denoting a falling filter slope. The
default is ``None``, which calculates the slope from the `gain` and
`bandwidth` (must be given if `slope` is ``None``).
bandwidth : number
The bandwidth of the filter in octaves. The default is ``None``, which
calculates the bandwidth from `gain` and `slope` (must be given if
`bandwidth` is ``None``).
N : int
Number of shelf filters that are cascaded. The default is ``None``,
which calculated the minimum ``N`` that is required to satisfy Eq. (11)
in Schultz et al. 2020, i.e., the minimum ``N`` that is required for
a good approximation of the ideal filter response.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`, :py:class:`~pyfar.FilterSOS`
The filtered signal (returned if ``sampling_rate = None``) or the
Filter object (returned if ``signal = None``).
N : int
The number of shelf filters that were cascaded
ideal : :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData`
The ideal, piece-wise magnitude response of the filter
.. [#] F. Schultz, N. Hahn, and S. Spors, “Shelving Filter Cascade with
Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth,” in 148th AES Convention
(Vienna, Austria, 2020).
Generate a filter with a bandwith of 4 octaves and a gain of -60 dB and
compare it to the piece-wise constant idealized magnitude response.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(40e3, sampling_rate=40000)
>>> impulse, N, ideal = pf.dsp.filter.high_shelf_cascade(
>>> impulse, 250, "lower", -60, None, 4)
>>> pf.plot.freq(ideal, c='k', ls='--', label="ideal")
>>> pf.plot.freq(impulse, label="actual")
>>> plt.legend()
warnings.warn(("'high_shelve_cascade' will be deprecated in pyfar 0.9.0 "
"in favor of 'high_shelf_cascade'"),
PyfarDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return high_shelf_cascade(signal, frequency, frequency_type, gain, slope,
bandwidth, N, sampling_rate)
def high_shelf_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type="lower", gain=None, slope=None,
bandwidth=None, N=None, sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply constant slope filter from cascaded 2nd order high
The filters - also known as High-Schultz filters (cf. [#]_) - are defined
by their characteristic frequency, gain, slope, and bandwidth. Two out of
the three parameter `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` must be specified,
while the third parameter is calculated as
``gain = bandwidth * slope``
``bandwidth = abs(gain/slope)``
``slope = gain/bandwidth``
.. note::
The `bandwidth` must be at least 1 octave to obtain a good
approximation of the desired frequency response. Make sure to specify
the parameters `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` accordingly.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency in Hz (see `frequency_type`)
frequency_type : string
Defines how `frequency` is used
`frequency` gives the upper characteristic frequency. In this case
the lower characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth / frequency``
`frequency` gives the lower characteristic frequency. In this case
the upper characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth * frequency``
gain : number
The filter gain in dB. The default is ``None``, which calculates the
gain from the `slope` and `bandwidth` (must be given if `gain` is
slope : number
Filter slope in dB per octave, with positive values denoting a rising
filter slope and negative values denoting a falling filter slope. The
default is ``None``, which calculates the slope from the `gain` and
`bandwidth` (must be given if `slope` is ``None``).
bandwidth : number
The bandwidth of the filter in octaves. The default is ``None``, which
calculates the bandwidth from `gain` and `slope` (must be given if
`bandwidth` is ``None``).
N : int
Number of shelf filters that are cascaded. The default is ``None``,
which calculated the minimum ``N`` that is required to satisfy Eq. (11)
in Schultz et al. 2020, i.e., the minimum ``N`` that is required for
a good approximation of the ideal filter response.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`, :py:class:`~pyfar.FilterSOS`
The filtered signal (returned if ``sampling_rate = None``) or the
Filter object (returned if ``signal = None``).
N : int
The number of shelf filters that were cascaded
ideal : :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData`
The ideal, piece-wise magnitude response of the filter
.. [#] F. Schultz, N. Hahn, and S. Spors, “Shelving Filter Cascade with
Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth,” in 148th AES Convention
(Vienna, Austria, 2020).
Generate a filter with a bandwith of 4 octaves and a gain of -60 dB and
compare it to the piece-wise constant idealized magnitude response.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(40e3, sampling_rate=40000)
>>> impulse, N, ideal = pf.dsp.filter.high_shelf_cascade(
>>> impulse, 250, "lower", -60, None, 4)
>>> pf.plot.freq(ideal, c='k', ls='--', label="ideal")
>>> pf.plot.freq(impulse, label="actual")
>>> plt.legend()
signal, N, ideal_response = _shelf_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type, gain, slope, bandwidth, N,
sampling_rate, shelf_type="high")
return signal, N, ideal_response
def low_shelve_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type="upper", gain=None, slope=None,
bandwidth=None, N=None, sampling_rate=None):
:py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.low_shelve_cascade` will be deprecated in
pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.filter.low_shelf_cascade`.
Create and apply constant slope filter from cascaded 2nd order low shelves.
The filters - also known as Low-Schultz filters (cf. [#]_) - are defined
by their characteristic frequency, gain, slope, and bandwidth. Two out of
the three parameter `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` must be specified,
while the third parameter is calculated as
``gain = -bandwidth * slope``
``bandwidth = abs(gain/slope)``
``slope = -gain/bandwidth``
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency in Hz (see `frequency_type`)
frequency_type : string
Defines how `frequency` is used
`frequency` gives the upper characteristic frequency. In this case
the lower characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth / frequency``
`frequency` gives the lower characteristic frequency. In this case
the upper characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth * frequency``
gain : number
The filter gain in dB. The default is ``None``, which calculates the
gain from the `slope` and `bandwidth` (must be given if `gain` is
slope : number
Filter slope in dB per octave, with positive values denoting a rising
filter slope and negative values denoting a falling filter slope. The
default is ``None``, which calculates the slope from the `gain` and
`bandwidth` (must be given if `slope` is ``None``).
bandwidth : number
The bandwidth of the filter in octaves. The default is ``None``, which
calculates the bandwidth from `gain` and `slope` (must be given if
`bandwidth` is ``None``).
N : int
Number of shelf filters that are cascaded. The default is ``None``,
which calculated the minimum ``N`` that is required to satisfy Eq. (11)
in Schultz et al. 2020, i.e., the minimum ``N`` that is required for
a good approximation of the ideal filter response.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`, :py:class:`~pyfar.FilterSOS`
The filtered signal (returned if ``sampling_rate = None``) or the
Filter object (returned if ``signal = None``).
N : int
The number of shelf filters that were cascaded
ideal : :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData`
The ideal, piece-wise magnitude response of the filter
.. [#] F. Schultz, N. Hahn, and S. Spors, “Shelving Filter Cascade with
Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth,” in 148th AES Convention
(Vienna, Austria, 2020).
Generate a filter with a bandwith of 4 octaves and a gain of -60 dB and
compare it to the piece-wise constant idealized magnitude response.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(40e3, sampling_rate=40000)
>>> impulse, N, ideal = pf.dsp.filter.low_shelf_cascade(
>>> impulse, 4000, "upper", -60, None, 4)
>>> pf.plot.freq(ideal, c='k', ls='--', label="ideal")
>>> pf.plot.freq(impulse, label="actual")
>>> plt.legend()
warnings.warn(("'low_shelve_cascade' will be deprecated in pyfar 0.9.0 "
"in favor of 'low_shelf_cascade'"),
PyfarDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return low_shelf_cascade(signal, frequency, frequency_type, gain, slope,
bandwidth, N, sampling_rate)
def low_shelf_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type="upper", gain=None, slope=None,
bandwidth=None, N=None, sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply constant slope filter from cascaded 2nd order low shelves.
The filters - also known as Low-Schultz filters (cf. [#]_) - are defined
by their characteristic frequency, gain, slope, and bandwidth. Two out of
the three parameter `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` must be specified,
while the third parameter is calculated as
``gain = -bandwidth * slope``
``bandwidth = abs(gain/slope)``
``slope = -gain/bandwidth``
.. note::
The `bandwidth` must be at least 1 octave to obtain a good
approximation of the desired frequency response. Make sure to specify
the parameters `gain`, `slope`, and `bandwidth` accordingly.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency in Hz (see `frequency_type`)
frequency_type : string
Defines how `frequency` is used
`frequency` gives the upper characteristic frequency. In this case
the lower characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth / frequency``
`frequency` gives the lower characteristic frequency. In this case
the upper characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth * frequency``
gain : number
The filter gain in dB. The default is ``None``, which calculates the
gain from the `slope` and `bandwidth` (must be given if `gain` is
slope : number
Filter slope in dB per octave, with positive values denoting a rising
filter slope and negative values denoting a falling filter slope. The
default is ``None``, which calculates the slope from the `gain` and
`bandwidth` (must be given if `slope` is ``None``).
bandwidth : number
The bandwidth of the filter in octaves. The default is ``None``, which
calculates the bandwidth from `gain` and `slope` (must be given if
`bandwidth` is ``None``).
N : int
Number of shelf filters that are cascaded. The default is ``None``,
which calculated the minimum ``N`` that is required to satisfy Eq. (11)
in Schultz et al. 2020, i.e., the minimum ``N`` that is required for
a good approximation of the ideal filter response.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`, :py:class:`~pyfar.FilterSOS`
The filtered signal (returned if ``sampling_rate = None``) or the
Filter object (returned if ``signal = None``).
N : int
The number of shelf filters that were cascaded
ideal : :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData`
The ideal, piece-wise magnitude response of the filter
.. [#] F. Schultz, N. Hahn, and S. Spors, “Shelving Filter Cascade with
Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth,” in 148th AES Convention
(Vienna, Austria, 2020).
Generate a filter with a bandwith of 4 octaves and a gain of -60 dB and
compare it to the piece-wise constant idealized magnitude response.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(40e3, sampling_rate=40000)
>>> impulse, N, ideal = pf.dsp.filter.low_shelf_cascade(
>>> impulse, 4000, "upper", -60, None, 4)
>>> pf.plot.freq(ideal, c='k', ls='--', label="ideal")
>>> pf.plot.freq(impulse, label="actual")
>>> plt.legend()
signal, N, ideal_response = _shelf_cascade(
signal, frequency, frequency_type, gain, slope, bandwidth, N,
sampling_rate, shelf_type="low")
return signal, N, ideal_response
def _shelf(signal, frequency, gain, order, shelf_type, sampling_rate, kind):
First and second order high and low shelves.
For the documentation refer to high_shelf and low_shelf. The only
additional parameter is `kind`, which has to be 'high' or 'low'.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
if shelf_type not in ['I', 'II', 'III']:
raise ValueError(("shelf_type must be 'I', 'II' or "
f"'III' but is '{shelf_type}'.'"))
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# get filter coefficients
ba = np.zeros((2, 3))
if order == 1 and kind == 'high':
shelf = iir.biquad_hshv1st
elif order == 2 and kind == 'high':
shelf = iir.biquad_hshv2nd
elif order == 1 and kind == 'low':
shelf = iir.biquad_lshv1st
elif order == 2 and kind == 'low':
shelf = iir.biquad_lshv2nd
raise ValueError(f"order must be 1 or 2 but is {order}")
_, _, b, a = shelf(frequency, gain, fs, shelf_type)
ba[0] = b
ba[1] = a
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterIIR(ba, fs)
kind = "High" if kind == "high" else "Low"
filt.comment = (f"{kind}-shelf of order {order} and type "
f"{shelf_type} with {gain} dB gain at {frequency} Hz.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def _shelf_cascade(signal, frequency, frequency_type, gain, slope, bandwidth,
N, sampling_rate, shelf_type):
"""Design constant slope filter from shelf filter cascade.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
frequency : number
Characteristic frequency in Hz (see `frequency_type`)
frequency_type : string
Defines how `frequency` is used
`frequency` gives the upper characteristic frequency. In this case
the lower characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth / frequency``
`frequency` gives the lower characteristic frequency. In this case
the upper characteristic frequency is given by
``2**bandwidth * frequency``
gain : number
The filter gain in dB. The default is ``None``, which calculates the
gain from the `slope` and `bandwidth` (must be given if `gain` is
slope : number
Filter slope in dB per octave, with positive values denoting a rising
filter slope and negative values denoting a falling filter slope. The
default is ``None``, which calculates the slope from the `gain` and
`bandwidth` (must be given if `slope` is ``None``).
bandwidth : number
The bandwidth of the filter in octaves. The default is ``None``, which
calculates the bandwidth from `gain` and `slope` (must be given if
`bandwidth` is ``None``).
N : int
Number of shelf filters that are cascaded. The default is ``None``,
which calculated the minimum ``N`` that is required to satisfy Eq. (11)
in Schultz et al. 2020, i.e., the minimum ``N`` that is required for
a good approximation of the ideal filter response.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
shelf_type : string
``'low'`` or ``'high'`` for low- or high-shelf.
[1] F. Schultz, N. Hahn, and S. Spors, “Shelving Filter Cascade with
Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth,” in 148th AES Convention
(Vienna, Austria, 2020).
# check input -------------------------------------------------------------
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
if not isinstance(signal, (pf.Signal, type(None))):
raise ValueError("signal must be a pyfar Signal object or None")
# check and set filter slope parameters according to Eq. (4)
gain, slope, bandwidth = _shelving_cascade_slope_parameters(
gain, slope, bandwidth, shelf_type)
if bandwidth < 1:
f"The bandwidth is {bandwidth} octaves but should be at least 1 "
"to obtain a good approximation of the desired frequency response."
), stacklevel=2)
# get sampling rate
sampling_rate = sampling_rate if signal is None else signal.sampling_rate
# get upper and lower cut-off frequency
if frequency_type == "upper":
frequency = [frequency / 2**bandwidth, frequency]
elif frequency_type == "lower":
frequency = [frequency, 2**bandwidth * frequency]
raise ValueError((f"frequency_type is '{frequency_type}' but must be "
"'lower' or 'upper'"))
# check characteristic frequencies
if frequency[0] == 0:
raise ValueError("The lower characteristic frequency must not be 0 Hz")
if frequency[0] > sampling_rate/2:
raise ValueError(("The lower characteristic frequency must be smaller "
"than half the sampling rate"))
if frequency[1] > sampling_rate/2 and shelf_type == "low":
raise ValueError(("The upper characteristic frequency must be smaller "
"than half the sampling rate"))
if frequency[1] > sampling_rate/2:
frequency[1] = sampling_rate/2
gain *= np.log2(frequency[1]/frequency[0]) / bandwidth
bandwidth = np.log2(frequency[1]/frequency[0])
warnings.warn((f"The upper frequency exceeded the Nyquist frequency "
f"It was set to {sampling_rate/2} Hz, which equals "
f"a restriction of the bandwidth to {bandwidth} "
f"octaves and a reduction of the gain to {gain} dB to "
f"maintain the intended slope of {slope} dB/octave."),
# determine number of shelf filters per octave ---------------------------
# recommended minimum shelf filters per octave according to Eq. (11.2)
N_octave_min = 1 if abs(slope) < 12.04 else abs(slope) / 12.04
# minimum total shelf filters according to Eq. (9)
N_min = np.ceil(N_octave_min*bandwidth).astype(int)
# actual total shelf filters either from user input or recommended minimum
N = int(N) if N else N_min
if N < N_min:
f"N is {N} but should be at least {N_min} to obtain an good "
"approximation of the desired frequency response"), stacklevel=2)
# used shelf filters per octave
N_octave = N / bandwidth
# get the filter ----------------------------------------------------------
# initialize variables
filter_func = high_shelf if shelf_type == "high" else low_shelf
shelf_gain = gain / N
SOS = np.zeros((1, N, 6))
# get the filter coefficients
for n in range(N):
# current frequency according to Eq. (5)
f = 2**(-(n+.5)/N_octave) * frequency[1]
# get shelf and cascade coefficients
shelf = filter_func(None, f, shelf_gain, 2, 'III', sampling_rate)
SOS[:, n] = shelf.coefficients.flatten()
# make filter object
comment = (f"Constant slope filter cascaded from {N} {shelf_type}-shelf "
f"filters ({frequency_type} frequency: {frequency} Hz, "
f"bandwidth: {bandwidth} octaves, gain: {gain} dB, {N_octave} "
"shelf filters per octave")
filt = pf.FilterSOS(SOS, sampling_rate, comment=comment)
# get the ideal filter response -------------------------------------------
magnitudes = np.array([10**(gain/20), 10**(gain/20), 1, 1])
if shelf_type == "high":
magnitudes = np.flip(magnitudes)
frequencies = [0, frequency[0], frequency[1], sampling_rate/2]
# remove duplicate entries (happens if the slope ends at Nyquist)
if frequencies[-2] == frequencies[-1]:
magnitudes = magnitudes[:-1]
frequencies = frequencies[:-1]
ideal_response = pf.FrequencyData(
magnitudes, frequencies,
"ideal magnitude response of cascaded shelf filter")
# return parameter --------------------------------------------------------
if signal is None:
return filt, N, ideal_response
return filt.process(signal), N, ideal_response
def _shelving_cascade_slope_parameters(gain, slope, bandwidth, shelf_type):
"""Compute the third parameter from the given two.
gain : float
Desired gain of the stop band in decibel.
slope : float
Desired shelving slope in decibel per octave.
bandwidth : float
Desired bandwidth of the slope in octave.
shelf_type : string
``'low'`` or ``'high'`` for low- or high-shelf.
if slope == 0:
raise ValueError("slope must be non-zero.")
if gain is None and slope is not None and bandwidth is not None:
bandwidth = abs(bandwidth)
gain = -bandwidth * slope if shelf_type == "low" \
else bandwidth * slope
elif slope is None and gain is not None and bandwidth is not None:
bandwidth = abs(bandwidth)
slope = -gain / bandwidth if shelf_type == "low" \
else gain / bandwidth
elif bandwidth is None and gain is not None and slope is not None:
if shelf_type == "low" and np.sign(gain * slope) == 1:
raise ValueError("gain and slope must have different signs")
if shelf_type == "high" and np.sign(gain * slope) == -1:
raise ValueError("gain and slope must have the same signs")
bandwidth = abs(gain / slope)
raise ValueError(("Exactly two out of the parameters gain, slope, and "
"bandwidth must be given."))
return gain, slope, bandwidth