"""Module for creating and applying digital IIR filters."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as spsignal
import pyfar as pf
def butterworth(signal, N, frequency, btype='lowpass', sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply a digital Butterworth IIR filter.
This is a wrapper for :py:func:`scipy.signal.butter`. Which creates digital
Butterworth filter coefficients in second-order sections (SOS).
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Butterworth filter
frequency : number, array like
The cut off-frequency in Hz if `btype` is lowpass or highpass. An array
like containing the lower and upper cut-off frequencies in Hz if
`btype` is bandpass or bandstop.
btype : str
One of the following ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, ``'bandpass'``,
``'bandstop'``. The default is ``'lowpass'``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
SOS Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
frequency_norm = np.asarray(frequency) / fs * 2
# get filter coefficients
sos = spsignal.butter(N, frequency_norm, btype, analog=False, output='sos')
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(sos, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Butterworth {btype} of order {N}. "
f"Cut-off frequency {frequency} Hz.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def chebyshev1(signal, N, ripple, frequency, btype='lowpass',
Create and apply digital Chebyshev Type I IIR filter.
This is a wrapper for :py:func:`scipy.signal.cheby1`. Which creates digital
Chebyshev Type I filter coefficients in second-order sections (SOS).
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Chebychev filter.
ripple : number
The passband ripple in dB.
frequency : number, array like
The cut off-frequency in Hz if `btype` is ``'lowpass'`` or
``'highpass'``. An array like containing the lower and upper cut-off
frequencies in Hz if `btype` is ``'bandpass'`` or ``'bandstop'``.
btype : str
One of the following ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, ``'bandpass'``,
``'bandstop'``. The default is ``'lowpass'``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
SOS Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
frequency_norm = np.asarray(frequency) / fs * 2
# get filter coefficients
sos = spsignal.cheby1(N, ripple, frequency_norm, btype, analog=False,
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(sos, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Chebychev Type I {btype} of order {N}. "
f"Cut-off frequency {frequency} Hz. "
f"Pass band ripple {ripple} dB.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def chebyshev2(signal, N, attenuation, frequency, btype='lowpass',
Create and apply digital Chebyshev Type II IIR filter.
This is a wrapper for :py:func:`scipy.signal.cheby2`. Which creates digital
Chebyshev Type II filter coefficients in second-order sections (SOS).
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Chebychev filter.
attenuation : number
The minimum stop band attenuation in dB.
frequency : number, array like
The frequency in Hz where the `attenuatoin` is first reached if `btype`
is ``'lowpass'`` or ``'highpass'``. An array like containing the lower
and upper frequencies in Hz if `btype` is ``'bandpass'`` or
btype : str
One of the following ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, ``'bandpass'``,
``'bandstop'``. The default is ``'lowpass'``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
SOS Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
frequency_norm = np.asarray(frequency) / fs * 2
# get filter coefficients
sos = spsignal.cheby2(N, attenuation, frequency_norm, btype, analog=False,
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(sos, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Chebychev Type II {btype} of order {N}. "
f"Cut-off frequency {frequency} Hz. "
f"Stop band attenuation {attenuation} dB.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def elliptic(signal, N, ripple, attenuation, frequency, btype='lowpass',
Create and apply digital Elliptic (Cauer) IIR filter.
This is a wrapper for :py:func:`scipy.signal.ellip`. Which creates digital
Elliptic (Cauer) filter coefficients in second-order sections (SOS).
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Elliptic filter.
ripple : number
The passband ripple in dB.
attenuation : number
The minimum stop band attenuation in dB.
frequency : number, array like
The cut off-frequency in Hz if `btype` is ``'lowpass'`` or
``'highpass'``. An array like containing the lower and upper cut-off
frequencies in Hz if `btype` is ``'bandpass'`` or ``'bandstop'``.
btype : str
One of the following ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, ``'bandpass'``,
``'bandstop'``. The default is ``'lowpass'``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
SOS Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
frequency_norm = np.asarray(frequency) / fs * 2
# get filter coefficients
sos = spsignal.ellip(N, ripple, attenuation, frequency_norm, btype,
analog=False, output='sos')
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(sos, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Elliptic (Cauer) {btype} of order {N}. "
f"Cut-off frequency {frequency} Hz. "
f"Pass band ripple {ripple} dB. "
f"Stop band attenuation {attenuation} dB.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def bessel(signal, N, frequency, btype='lowpass', norm='phase',
Create and apply digital Bessel/Thomson IIR filter.
This is a wrapper for :py:func:`scipy.signal.bessel`. Which creates digital
Bessel filter coefficients in second-order sections (SOS).
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Bessel/Thomson filter.
frequency : number, array like
The cut off-frequency in Hz if `btype` is ``'lowpass'`` or
``'highpass'``. An array
like containing the lower and upper cut-off frequencies in Hz if
`btype` is bandpass or bandstop.
btype : str
One of the following ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, ``'bandpass'``,
``'bandstop'``. The default is ``'lowpass'``.
norm : str
Critical frequency normalization:
The filter is normalized such that the phase response reaches its
midpoint at angular (e.g. rad/s) frequency `Wn`. This happens for
both low-pass and high-pass filters, so this is the
"phase-matched" case.
The magnitude response asymptotes are the same as a Butterworth
filter of the same order with a cutoff of `Wn`.
This is the default, and matches MATLAB's implementation.
The filter is normalized such that the group delay in the passband
is 1/`Wn` (e.g., seconds). This is the "natural" type obtained by
solving Bessel polynomials.
The filter is normalized such that the gain magnitude is -3 dB at
the angular frequency `Wn`.
The default is 'phase'.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if signal is None. The default
is None.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
SOS Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
frequency_norm = np.asarray(frequency) / fs * 2
# get filter coefficients
sos = spsignal.bessel(N, frequency_norm, btype, analog=False,
output='sos', norm=norm)
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(sos, fs)
filt.comment = (f"Bessel/Thomson {btype} of order {N} and '{norm}' "
f"normalization. Cut-off frequency {frequency} Hz.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def crossover(signal, N, frequency, sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply Linkwitz-Riley crossover network.
Linkwitz-Riley crossover filters ([#]_, [#]_) are designed by cascading
Butterworth filters of order `N/2`. where `N` must be even.
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
N : int
The order of the Linkwitz-Riley crossover network, must be even.
frequency : number, array-like
Characteristic frequencies of the crossover network. If a single number
is passed, the network consists of a single lowpass and highpass. If
`M` frequencies are passed, the network consists of 1 lowpass, M-1
bandpasses, and 1 highpass.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if `signal` is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
signal : Signal
The filtered signal. Only returned if ``sampling_rate = None``.
filter : FilterSOS
Filter object. Only returned if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] S. H. Linkwitz, 'Active crossover networks for noncoincident
drivers,' J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 2–8, Jan. 1976.
.. [#] D. Bohn, 'Linkwitz Riley crossovers: A primer,' Rane, RaneNote 160,
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be none.')
if N % 2:
raise ValueError("The order 'N' must be an even number.")
# sampling frequency in Hz
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# order of Butterworth filters
N = int(N/2)
# normalized frequency (half-cycle / per sample)
freq = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(frequency)) / fs * 2
# init neutral SOS matrix of shape (freq.size+1, SOS_dim_2, 6)
n_sos = int(np.ceil(N / 2)) # number of lowpass sos
SOS_dim_2 = n_sos if freq.size == 1 else 2 * n_sos
SOS = np.tile(np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], dtype='float64'),
(freq.size + 1, SOS_dim_2, 1))
# get filter coefficients for lowpass
sos = spsignal.butter(N, freq[0], 'lowpass', analog=False, output='sos')
SOS[0, 0:n_sos] = sos
# get filter coefficients for the bandpass if more than one frequency is
# provided
for n in range(1, freq.size):
sos_high = spsignal.butter(
N, freq[n-1], 'highpass', analog=False, output='sos')
sos_low = spsignal.butter(
N, freq[n], 'lowpass', analog=False, output='sos')
SOS[n] = np.concatenate((sos_high, sos_low))
# get filter coefficients for the highpass
sos = spsignal.butter(
N, freq[-1], 'highpass', analog=False, output='sos')
SOS[-1, 0:n_sos] = sos
# Apply every Butterworth filter twice
SOS = np.tile(SOS, (1, 2, 1))
# invert phase in every second channel if the Butterworth order is odd
# (realized by reversing b-coefficients of the first sos)
if N % 2:
SOS[np.arange(1, freq.size + 1, 2), 0, 0:3] *= -1
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterSOS(SOS, fs)
freq_list = [str(f) for f in np.array(frequency, ndmin=1)]
filt.comment = (f"Linkwitz-Riley cross over network of order {N*2} at "
f"{', '.join(freq_list)} Hz.")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
signal_filt = filt.process(signal)
return signal_filt
def notch(signal, center_frequency, quality, sampling_rate=None):
Create and apply or return a second order IIR notch filter.
A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow bandwidth
(high quality factor). It rejects a narrow frequency band around the
center frequency with a gain of 0 (:math:`-\infty` dB) at the center
frequency and leaves the rest of the spectrum little changed
with gains close to 1 (0 dB) [#]_. Wrapper for
signal : Signal, None
The Signal to be filtered. Pass ``None`` to create the filter without
applying it.
center_frequency : number
Frequency in Hz at which the magnitude response will be 0
(:math:`-\infty` dB).
quality : number
The quality characterizes notch filter -3 dB bandwidth relative to its
center frequency (both in Hz), i.e,
``quality = center_frequency/bandwidth``.
sampling_rate : None, number
The sampling rate in Hz. Only required if `signal` is ``None``. The
default is ``None``.
output : Signal, FilterIIR
The function returns a filtered version of the input signal if
``sampling_rate = None`` or the filter itself if ``signal = None``.
.. [#] S. J. Orfanidis, “Introduction To Signal Processing”,
Prentice-Hall, 1996
# check input
if (signal is None and sampling_rate is None) \
or (signal is not None and sampling_rate is not None):
raise ValueError('Either signal or sampling_rate must be None.')
fs = signal.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None else sampling_rate
# get filter coefficients
b, a = spsignal.iirnotch(center_frequency, quality, fs)
ba = np.vstack((b, a))
# generate filter object
filt = pf.FilterIIR(ba, fs)
filt.comment = ("Second order notch filter at "
f"{center_frequency} Hz (Quality = {quality}).")
# return the filter object
if signal is None:
# return the filter object
return filt
# return the filtered signal
return filt.process(signal)