"""Gammatone filter bank for pyfar."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sgn
from copy import deepcopy
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
import pyfar as pf
import warnings
from pyfar.classes.warnings import PyfarDeprecationWarning
from pyfar._utils import rename_arg
class GammatoneBands():
Generate reconstructing auditory filter bank.
Generate a forth order reconstructing Gammatone auditory filter bank
according to [#]_. The center frequencies of the Gammatone filters
are calculated using the ERB scale (see :py:func:`~erb_frequencies`).
This is a Python port of the `hohmann2002` filter bank
contained in the Auditory Modeling Toolbox [#]_. The filter bank can
handle single and multi channel input and allows for an almost perfect
reconstruction of the input signal (see examples below).
Calling ``GFB = GammatoneBands()`` constructs the filter bank. Afterwards
the class methods ``GFB.process()`` and ``GFB.reconstruct()`` can be used
to filter and reconstruct signals. All relevant data such as the filter
coefficients can be obtained for example through ``GFB.coefficients``. See
below for more documentation.
frequency_range : array_like
The upper and lower frequency in Hz between which the filter bank is
constructed. Values must be larger than 0 and not exceed half the
sampling rate.
resolution : number
The frequency resolution of the filter bands in equivalent rectangular
bandwidth (ERB) units. The bands of the filter bank are distributed
linearly on the ERB scale. The default value of ``1`` results in one
filter band per ERB. A value of ``0.5`` would result in two filter
bands per ERB.
reference_frequency : number
The frequency relative to which the filter bands are distributed. The
default is ``1000`` Hz.
delay : number
The delay in seconds that the filter bank will have, i.e., the delay
that is added to the input signal after being filtered and summed
again. The default is ``0.004`` seconds.
sampling_rate : number
The sampling rate of the filter bank in Hz. The default is ``44100``
freq_range: array_like
The upper and lower frequency in Hz between which the filter bank is
constructed. Values must be larger than 0 and not exceed half the
sampling rate.
``'freq_range'`` parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in favor
of ``'frequency_range'``.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # generate the filter bank object
>>> GFB = pf.dsp.filter.GammatoneBands([0, 22050])
>>> # apply the filter bank to an impulse
>>> x = pf.signals.impulse(2**13)
>>> real, imag = GFB.process(x)
>>> env = pf.Signal(np.abs(real.time + 1j * imag.time), 44100)
>>> # use pyfar plot style
>>> pf.plot.use()
>>> # the output is complex:
>>> # Real part gives band-limited Gammatone output
>>> # Imaginary part gives the Hilbert Transform thereof
>>> # Absolute value gives the Envelope
>>> plt.figure()
>>> ax = pf.plot.time(real[2], label='real part', unit='ms')
>>> pf.plot.time(imag[2], label='imaginary part', unit='ms')
>>> pf.plot.time(env[2], label='envelope', unit='ms')
>>> plt.legend()
>>> # show the magnitude response of the filter bank
>>> plt.figure()
>>> ax = pf.plot.freq(real)
>>> ax.set_ylim(-40, 5)
>>> # reconstruct the filtered impulse
>>> # the reconstruction error can be decreased
>>> # using the filter bank parameter 'resolution'
>>> y = GFB.reconstruct(real, imag)
>>> plt.figure()
>>> ax = pf.plot.time_freq(y, label="reconstructed impulse", unit='ms')
>>> ax[0].set_xlim(0, 20)
>>> ax[1].set_ylim(-40, 5)
>>> ax[0].legend()
>>> # manipulate filter output before the reconstruction
>>> # (manipulations must be applied to the real and imaginary output)
>>> real.time[20:25] *= .5
>>> imag.time[20:25] *= .5
>>> y = GFB.reconstruct(real, imag)
>>> plt.figure()
>>> ax = pf.plot.time_freq(
... y, unit='ms',
... label="manipulated and reconstructed and impulse")
>>> ax[0].set_xlim(0, 20)
>>> ax[1].set_ylim(-40, 5)
>>> ax[0].legend()
.. [#] V. Hohmann, 'Frequency analysis and synthesis using a gammatone
filterbank,' Acta Acust. united Ac. 88, 433-442 (2002).
.. [#] https://amtoolbox.org/
@rename_arg({"freq_range": "frequency_range"},
"freq_range parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in "
"favor of frequency_range")
def __init__(self, frequency_range, resolution=1,
reference_frequency=1000, delay=0.004, sampling_rate=44100):
# check input (remaining checks done in erb_frequencies)
frequency_range = np.asarray(frequency_range)
if np.any(frequency_range < 0) or np.any(frequency_range >
sampling_rate / 2):
raise ValueError(("Values in frequency_range must be between 0 Hz"
" and sampling_rate/2"))
if delay <= 0:
raise ValueError("The delay must be larger than zero")
if resolution <= 0:
raise ValueError("The resolution must be larger than zero")
# store user values
self._frequency_range = frequency_range
self._resolution = resolution
self._reference_frequency = reference_frequency
self._delay = delay
self._sampling_rate = sampling_rate
# compute center frequencies
self._frequencies = erb_frequencies(
frequency_range, resolution, reference_frequency)
# compute filter coefficients
self._coefficients, self._normalizations = self._get_coefficients()
# initialize the internal filter state
self._state = None
# compute the filter delay, phase factor, and gains
# (required for the re-synthesis)
self._delays, self._phase_factors = \
self._gains = self._get_gains()
def __repr__(self):
"""Nice string representation of class instances."""
return (f"Reconstructing Gammatone filter bank with {self.n_bands} "
f"bands between {self.frequency_range[0]} "
f"and {self.frequency_range[1]} "
f"Hz spaced by {self.resolution} ERB units @ "
f"{self.sampling_rate} Hz sampling rate")
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check for equality of two objects."""
return not DeepDiff(self.__dict__, other.__dict__)
def freq_range(self):
"""Get the frequency range of the filter bank in Hz.
``'freq_range'`` parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in favor
of ``'frequency_range'``.
# Deprecation warning for freq_range parameter
'freq_range parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in favor'
' of frequency_range'),
PyfarDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._frequency_range
def frequency_range(self):
"""Get the frequency range of the filter bank in Hz."""
return self._frequency_range
def resolution(self):
"""Get the resolution of the filter bank in ERB units."""
return self._resolution
def reference_frequency(self):
"""Get the reference frequency of the filter bank in Hz."""
return self._reference_frequency
def frequencies(self):
"""Get the center frequencies of the Gammatone filters in Hz."""
return self._frequencies
def n_bands(self):
"""Get the number of bands in the filter bank."""
return len(self.frequencies)
def delay(self):
"""Get the desired delay of the filter bank in seconds."""
return self._delay
def sampling_rate(self):
"""Get the sampling rate of the filter bank in Hz."""
return self._sampling_rate
def coefficients(self):
Get the filter coefficients a as in Eq. (7) in Hohmann 2002 per band.
return self._coefficients
def normalizations(self):
Get the normalization per band described below Eq. (9) in Hohmann 2002.
return self._normalizations
def delays(self):
Get the delays required for summing the filter bands.
Section 4 in Hohmann 2002 describes, how the delays are calculated.
return self._delays
def gains(self):
Get the gains required for summing the filter bands.
Section 4 in Hohmann 2002 describes, how the gains are calculated.
return self._gains
def phase_factors(self):
Get the phase factors required for summing the filter bands.
Section 4 in Hohmann 2002 describes, how the factors are calculated.
return self._phase_factors
def _get_coefficients(self):
Compute the Gammatone filter coefficients.
coefficients : numpy array
The filter coefficients, i.e., the a_1 coefficients. The array
has as many coefficients as self.frequencies.
normalizations : numpy array
The normalization factors, i.e., the b_0 coefficients. The array
has as many coefficients as self.frequencies.
# Eq. (13) in Hohmann 2002
erb_aud = 24.7 + self.frequencies / 9.265
# Eq. (14.3) in Hohmann 2002 (precomputed values for order=4)
a_gamma = np.pi * 720 * 2**(-6) / 36
# Eq. (14.2) in Hohmann 2002
b = erb_aud / a_gamma
# Eq. (14.1) in Hohmann 2002
lam = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * b / self.sampling_rate)
# Eq. (10) in Hohmann 2002
beta = 2 * np.pi * self.frequencies / self.sampling_rate
# Eq. (1) in Hohmann 2002 (these are the a_1 coefficients)
coefficients = lam * np.exp(1j * beta)
# normalization from Sec. 2.2 in Hohmann 2002
# (this is the b_0 coefficient)
normalizations = 2 * (1-np.abs(coefficients))**4
return coefficients, normalizations
def _get_delays_and_phase_factors(self):
Section 4 in Hohmann 2002 describes how to derive these values. This
is a direct Python port of the corresponding function in the AMT
toolbox `hohmann2002_process.m`.
# the delay in samples
delay_samples = int(np.round(self.delay * self.sampling_rate))
# apply filterbank to impulse to estimate the required values
real, imag = self.process(pf.signals.impulse(
delay_samples + 3, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate))
# compute the envelope
ir = real.time[:, 0, :] + 1j * imag.time[:, 0, :]
env = np.abs(ir)
# sample at which the maximum occurs
# (excluding last sample for a safe calculation of the slope below)
idx_max = np.argmax(env[:, :delay_samples + 1], axis=-1)
delays = delay_samples - idx_max
# calculate the phase factor from the slopes
slopes = np.array([ir[bb, idx + 1] - ir[bb, idx - 1]
for bb, idx in enumerate(idx_max)])
phase_factors = 1j / (slopes / np.abs(slopes))
return delays, phase_factors
def _get_gains(self):
Section 4 in Hohmann 2002 describes how to derive these values. This
is a direct Python port of the corresponding function in the AMT
toolbox `hohmann2002_process.m`.
# positive and negative center frequencies in the z-plane
z = np.atleast_2d(
np.exp(2j * np.pi * self.frequencies / self.sampling_rate)).T
z_conj = np.conjugate(z)
# calculate transfer function at all center frequencies for all bands
# (matrixes contain center frequencies along first dimension and
h_pos = (1 - np.atleast_2d(self._coefficients) / z)**(-4) * \
h_neg = (1 - np.atleast_2d(self._coefficients) / z_conj)**(-4) * \
# apply delay and phase correction
phase_factors = np.atleast_2d(self._phase_factors)
delays = np.atleast_2d(self._delays)
h_pos *= phase_factors * z**(-delays)
h_neg *= phase_factors * np.conjugate(z)**(-delays)
# combine positive and negative spectrum
h = (h_pos + np.conjugate(h_neg)) / 2
# iteratively find gains
gains = np.ones((self.n_bands, 1))
for _ii in range(100):
h_fin = np.matmul(h, gains)
gains /= np.abs(h_fin)
return gains.flatten()
def process(self, signal, reset=True):
Filter an input signal.
The filter output is a complex valued time signal, whose real and
imaginary part are returned separately.
- If the filter bank is used for analysis purposes only, the imaginary
part is not required for further processing.
- If the filter bank is used for analysis and re-synthesis, any further
processing must be applied to the real and imaginary part. Any
complex-valued operations must be applied to the complex valued
output as a whole.
signal : Signal
The data to be filtered
reset : bool, optional
If true the internal state of the filter bank is reset before the
filters are applied. Not resetting the state can be useful for
blockwise processing. The default is ``True``.
real : Signal
The real part of the complex output signal. This represents the
band-limited Gammatone filter output.
imag : Signal
The imaginary part of the complex output signal. This approximates
the Hilbert transform of the band-limited Gammatone filter output.
- ``sqrt(real.time**2 + imag.time**2)`` gives the envelope of the
Gammatone filter output.
- If the cshape of the output signals ``real.cshape`` and
``imag.cshape`` generally is ``(self.n_bands, ) + signal.cshape``.
- An exception to this occurs if ``signal.cshape`` is ``(1, )``, i.e.,
signal is a single channel signal. In this case the cshape of the
output signals is ``(self.n_bands)`` and `not` ``(self.n_bands, 1)``.
# check input
if not isinstance(signal, pf.Signal):
raise TypeError("signal must be a pyfar Signal object")
if signal.sampling_rate != self.sampling_rate:
raise ValueError(("The sampling rates of the signal and Gammatone"
" filter bank do not match"))
# prepare multi-dimensional signals
time_in = signal.flatten().time
time_out = np.zeros((self.n_bands, ) + time_in.shape, dtype=complex)
# reset or initialize the state as a list of as many zero arrays as
# the filter bank has bands
if reset or self._state is None:
state = np.zeros((4, time_in.shape[0], 2), dtype=complex)
self._state = [state for _ in range(self.n_bands)]
elif len(self._state) != self.n_bands \
or self._state[0].shape != (4, time_in.shape[0], 2):
raise ValueError((
"The shape of the signal and the internal state of the filter "
"bank do not match. Try calling process with reset=True "
"or with the signal that it was previously used with."
# apply the filter band by band
# using second order sections is faster than a manual call of
# sgn.lfilter four time in a row
for bb in range(self.n_bands):
sos_section = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(
[1, 0, 0, 1, -self._coefficients[bb], 0]),
(4, 1))
sos_section[3, 0] = self._normalizations[bb]
time_out[bb], self._state[bb] = sgn.sosfilt(
sos_section, time_in, axis=-1, zi=self._state[bb])
# restore original channel shape
time_out = np.reshape(time_out,
(self.n_bands, ) + signal.cshape + (-1, ))
# return real and immaginary part of output as pyfar Signal objects
real = signal.copy()
real.time = np.real(time_out)
imag = signal.copy()
imag.time = np.imag(time_out)
return real, imag
def reconstruct(self, real, imag):
Reconstruct filter bands.
The summation process is described in Section 4 of Hohmann 2002 and
uses the pre-calculated delays, phase factors and gains.
real : Signal
The real part of the filtered input signal as returned by
imag : Signal
The imaginary part of the filtered input signal as returned by
reconstructed : Signal
The summed input. ``summed.cshape`` matches the ``cshape`` or the
original signal before it was filtered.
# prepare output
summed = real.copy()
time = real.time.copy() + 1j * imag.time.copy()
# apply phase shift, delay, and gain
for bb, (phase_factor, delay, gain) in enumerate(zip(
self._phase_factors, self._delays, self._gains)):
time[bb] = \
np.real(np.roll(time[bb], delay, axis=-1) * phase_factor) * \
# sum and squeeze first axis (the signal is already real, but the data
# type is still complex)
summed.time = np.sum(np.real(time), axis=0, keepdims=True)
if len(summed.cshape) > 1:
summed.time = np.squeeze(summed.time, axis=0)
return summed
def copy(self):
"""Return a copy of the audio object."""
return deepcopy(self)
def _encode(self):
# get dictionary representation
obj_dict = self.copy().__dict__
# define required data
keep = ["_frequency_range", "_resolution", "_reference_frequency",
"_delay", "_sampling_rate", "_state"]
# check if all required data is contained
for k in keep:
if k not in obj_dict:
raise KeyError(f"{k} is not a class variable")
# remove obsolete data
for k in obj_dict.copy().keys():
if k not in keep:
del obj_dict[k]
return obj_dict
def _decode(cls, obj_dict):
# initialize new clas instance
obj = cls(obj_dict["_frequency_range"], obj_dict["_resolution"],
obj_dict["_reference_frequency"], obj_dict["_delay"],
# set internal parameters
return obj
@rename_arg({"freq_range": "frequency_range"},
"freq_range parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in "
"favor of frequency_range")
def erb_frequencies(frequency_range, resolution=1, reference_frequency=1000):
Get frequencies that are linearly spaced on the ERB frequency scale.
The human auditory system analyzes sound in auditory filters, whose band-
width is often given as a equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB). The ERB
denotes the bandwidth of a perfect rectangular band-pass that has the same
energy as the auditory filter. The ERB frequency scale is directly
constructed from this concept: One ERB unit is defined as the
frequency dependent ERB of the auditory filter at a given center frequency
(cf. [#]_, Section 3B).
The implementation follows Eq. (16) and (17) in [#]_ and was ported from
the auditory modeling toolbox [#]_.
frequency_range : array_like
The upper and lower frequency limits in Hz between which the frequency
vector is computed.
resolution : number, optional
The frequency resolution in ERB units. The default of ``1`` returns
frequencies that are spaced by 1 ERB unit, a value of ``0.5`` would
return frequencies that are spaced by 0.5 ERB units.
reference_frequency : number, optional
The reference frequency in Hz relative to which the frequency vector
is constructed. The default is ``1000``.
freq_range: array_like
The upper and lower frequency limits in Hz between which the frequency
vector is computed.
``'freq_range'`` parameter will be deprecated in pyfar 0.8.0 in favor
of ``'frequency_range'``.
frequencies : numpy array
The frequencies in Hz that are linearly distributed on the ERB scale
with a spacing given by `resolution` ERB units.
.. [#] B. C. J. Moore, An introduction to the psychology of hearing,
(Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2013), 6th ed.
.. [#] V. Hohmann, “Frequency analysis and synthesis using a gammatone
filterbank,” Acta Acust. united Ac. 88, 433-442 (2002).
.. [#] P. L. Søndergaard, and P. Majdak, “The auditory modeling toolbox,”
in The technology of binaural listening, edited by J. Blauert
(Heidelberg et al., Springer, 2013) pp. 33-56.
# check input
if not isinstance(frequency_range, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) \
or len(frequency_range) != 2:
raise ValueError("frequency_range must be an array like of length 2")
if frequency_range[0] > frequency_range[1]:
raise ValueError(("The first value of frequency_range must be smaller "
"than the second value"))
if resolution <= 0:
raise ValueError("Resolution must be larger than zero")
# convert the frequency range and reference to ERB scale
# (Hohmann 2002, Eq. 16)
erb_range = 9.2645 * np.sign(frequency_range) * np.log(
1 + np.abs(frequency_range) * 0.00437)
erb_ref = 9.2645 * np.sign(reference_frequency) * np.log(
1 + np.abs(reference_frequency) * 0.00437)
# get the referenced range
erb_ref_range = np.array([erb_ref - erb_range[0], erb_range[1] - erb_ref])
# construct the frequencies on the ERB scale
n_points = np.floor(erb_ref_range / resolution).astype(int)
erb_points = np.arange(-n_points[0], n_points[1] + 1) * resolution \
+ erb_ref
# convert to frequencies in Hz
frequencies = 1 / 0.00437 * np.sign(erb_points) * (
np.exp(np.abs(erb_points) / 9.2645) - 1)
return frequencies