Source code for

Read and write objects to disk, read and write audio files, read SOFA files.

The functions :py:func:`read` and :py:func:`write` allow to save or load
several pyfar objects and other variables. So, e.g., workspaces in notebooks
can be stored. :py:class:`Signal <pyfar.signal.Signal>` objects can be
imported and exported as audio files using :py:func:`read_audio` and
:py:func:`write_audio`. :py:func:`read_sofa` provides functionality to read the
data stored in a SOFA file.
import os.path
import pathlib

import warnings
import pyfar as pf
import sofar as sf
import zipfile
import io
import numpy as np
import re

    import soundfile
    soundfile_imported = True
except (ModuleNotFoundError, OSError):
    soundfile_imported = False
    soundfile_warning = (
        "python-soundfile could not be imported. Try to install it using `pip "
        "install soundfile`. If this not works search the documentation for "

from pyfar import Signal, FrequencyData, Coordinates, TimeData
from . import _codec as codec
import pyfar.classes.filter as fo

[docs] def read_sofa(filename, verify=True, verbose=True): """ Import a SOFA file as pyfar object. Parameters ---------- filename : string, Path Input SOFA file (cf. [#]_, [#]_). verify : bool, optional Verify if the data contained in the SOFA file agrees with the AES69 standard (see references). If the verification fails, the SOFA file can be loaded by setting ``verify=False``. The default is ``True`` verbose : bool, optional Print the names of detected custom variables and attributes. The default is True. Returns ------- audio : pyfar audio object The audio object that is returned depends on the DataType of the SOFA object: - :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal` A Signal object is returned is the DataType is ``'FIR'``, ``'FIR-E'``, or ``'FIRE'``. - :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData` A FrequencyData object is returned is the DataType is ``'TF'``, ``'TF-E'``, or ``'TFE'``. The `cshape` of the object is is ``(M, R)`` with `M` being the number of measurements and `R` being the number of receivers from the SOFA file. source_coordinates : Coordinates Coordinates object containing the data stored in `SOFA_object.SourcePosition`. The domain, convention and unit are automatically matched. receiver_coordinates : Coordinates Coordinates object containing the data stored in `SOFA_object.ReceiverPosition`. The domain, convention and unit are automatically matched. Notes ----- * This function uses the sofar package to read SOFA files [#]_. References ---------- .. [#] .. [#] “AES69-2020: AES Standard for File Exchange-Spatial Acoustic Data File Format.”, 2020. .. [#] """ sofa = sf.read_sofa(filename, verify, verbose) return convert_sofa(sofa)
[docs] def convert_sofa(sofa): """ Convert SOFA object to pyfar object. Parameters ---------- sofa : SOFA object A SOFA object read or generated by the sofar package ([#]_). Returns ------- audio : pyfar audio object The audio object that is returned depends on the DataType of the SOFA object: - :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal` A Signal object is returned is the DataType is ``'FIR'``, ``'FIR-E'``, or ``'FIRE'``. In case of ``'FIR-E'``, the time data is returned with the `cshape` EMRN (samples are in the last dimension) and not MRNE as in the SOFA standard (emitters are in the last dimension). - :py:class:`~pyfar.FrequencyData` A FrequencyData object is returned is the DataType is ``'TF'``, ``'TF-E'``, or ``'TFE'``. In case of ``'TF-E'``, the frequency data is returned with the `cshape` EMRN (frequencies are in the last dimension) and not MRNE as in the SOFA standard (emitters are in the last dimension). The `cshape` of the object is is ``(M, R)`` with `M` being the number of measurements and `R` being the number of receivers from the SOFA file. source_coordinates : Coordinates Coordinates object containing the data stored in `SOFA_object.SourcePosition`. The domain, convention and unit are automatically matched. receiver_coordinates : Coordinates Coordinates object containing the data stored in `SOFA_object.RecevierPosition`. The domain, convention and unit are automatically matched. References ---------- .. [#] """ # check input if not isinstance(sofa, sf.Sofa): raise TypeError(( "Input must be a sofar.Sofa object " f"but is of type {str(type(sofa))}")) # Check for DataType if sofa.GLOBAL_DataType in ['FIR', 'FIR-E', 'FIRE']: # order axis according to pyfar convention # (samples go in last dimension) if sofa.GLOBAL_DataType == 'FIR-E': time = np.moveaxis(sofa.Data_IR, -1, 0) else: time = sofa.Data_IR # make a Signal signal = Signal(time, sofa.Data_SamplingRate) elif sofa.GLOBAL_DataType in ['TF', 'TF-E', 'TFE']: # order axis according to pyfar convention # frequencies go in last dimension) if sofa.GLOBAL_DataType == 'TF-E': freq = np.moveaxis(sofa.Data_Real, -1, 0) + \ 1j * np.moveaxis(sofa.Data_Imag, -1, 0) else: freq = sofa.Data_Real + 1j * sofa.Data_Imag # make FrequencyData signal = FrequencyData(freq, sofa.N) else: raise ValueError( f"DataType {sofa.GLOBAL_DataType} is not supported.") # Source source_coordinates = _sofa_pos( sofa.SourcePosition_Type, sofa.SourcePosition) # Receiver receiver_coordinates = _sofa_pos( sofa.ReceiverPosition_Type, sofa.ReceiverPosition) return signal, source_coordinates, receiver_coordinates
def _sofa_pos(pos_type, coordinates): if pos_type == 'spherical': return Coordinates.from_spherical_elevation( coordinates[:, 0] * np.pi / 180, coordinates[:, 1] * np.pi / 180, coordinates[:, 2], ) elif pos_type == 'cartesian': return Coordinates( coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], coordinates[:, 2], ) else: raise ValueError("Position:Type {pos_type} is not supported.")
[docs] def read(filename): """ Read any compatible pyfar object or numpy array (.far file) from disk. Parameters ---------- filename : string, Path Input file. If no extension is provided, .far-suffix is added. Returns ------- collection: dict Contains pyfar objects like ``{ 'name1': 'obj1', 'name2': 'obj2' ... }``. Examples -------- Read signal and orientations objects stored in a .far file. >>> collection ='my_objs.far') >>> my_signal = collection['my_signal'] >>> my_orientations = collection['my_orientations'] """ # Check for .far file extension filename = pathlib.Path(filename).with_suffix('.far') collection = {} pyfar_version = None with open(filename, 'rb') as f: zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() zip_buffer.write( with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer) as zip_file: zip_paths = zip_file.namelist() obj_names_hints = [ path.split('/')[:2] for path in zip_paths if '/$' in path] # read build in data and look for pyfar version for name, hint in obj_names_hints: if hint[1:] != 'BuiltinsWrapper': continue obj = codec._decode_object_json_aided(name, hint, zip_file) if 'pyfar.__version__' in obj: pyfar_version = obj['pyfar.__version__'] del obj['pyfar.__version__'] if obj: collection[name] = obj # check version (writing the version was introduced in 0.5.3) if pyfar_version is None: pyfar_version = "<0.5.3" # read remaining data (pyfar objects and numpy arrays) for name, hint in obj_names_hints: if hint[1:] == 'BuiltinsWrapper': continue try: if codec._is_pyfar_type(hint[1:]): obj = codec._decode_object_json_aided( name, hint, zip_file) elif hint == '$ndarray': obj = codec._decode_ndarray(f'{name}/{hint}', zip_file) else: raise TypeError(( '.far-file contains unknown types. This might ' 'occur when writing and reading files with ' 'different versions of Pyfar.')) collection[name] = obj except Exception as e: # noqa # check for more specific pyfar errors that could be raised if "You must implement" in str(e) and \ ("encode" in str(e) or "decode" in str(e)): raise e # raise general error with version hint raise TypeError(( f"'{name}' object in {filename} was written with " f"pyfar {pyfar_version} and could not be read with " f"pyfar {pf.__version__}.")) from e if 'builtin_wrapper' in collection: for key, value in collection['builtin_wrapper'].items(): collection[key] = value collection.pop('builtin_wrapper') return collection
[docs] def write(filename, compress=False, **objs): """ Write any compatible pyfar object or numpy array and often used builtin types as .far file to disk. Parameters ---------- filename : string Full path or filename. If now extension is provided, .far-suffix will be add to filename. compress : bool Default is ``False`` (uncompressed). Compressed files take less disk space but need more time for writing and reading. **objs: Objects to be saved as key-value arguments, e.g., ``name1=object1, name2=object2``. Examples -------- Save Signal object, Orientations objects and numpy array to disk. >>> s = pyfar.Signal([1, 2, 3], 44100) >>> o = pyfar.Orientations.from_view_up([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]) >>> a = np.array([1,2,3]) >>>'my_objs.far', signal=s, orientations=o, array=a) Notes ----- * Supported builtin types are: bool, bytes, complex, float, frozenset, int, list, set, str and tuple """ # Check for .far file extension filename = pathlib.Path(filename).with_suffix('.far') compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if compress else zipfile.ZIP_STORED zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() builtin_wrapper = codec.BuiltinsWrapper() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, "a", compression) as zip_file: # write pyfar version builtin_wrapper["pyfar.__version__"] = pf.__version__ # write requested data for name, obj in objs.items(): if codec._is_pyfar_type(obj): codec._encode_object_json_aided(obj, name, zip_file) elif codec._is_numpy_type(obj): codec._encode({f'${type(obj).__name__}': obj}, name, zip_file) elif type(obj) in codec._supported_builtin_types(): builtin_wrapper[name] = obj else: error = ( f'Objects of type {type(obj)} cannot be written to disk.') if isinstance(obj, fo.Filter): error = f'{error}. Consider casting to {fo.Filter}' raise TypeError(error) if len(builtin_wrapper) > 0: codec._encode_object_json_aided( builtin_wrapper, 'builtin_wrapper', zip_file) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(zip_buffer.getvalue())
[docs] def read_audio(filename, dtype='float64', **kwargs): """ Import an audio file as :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal` object. Reads 'wav', 'aiff', 'ogg', 'flac', and 'mp3' files among others. For a complete list see :py:func:`audio_formats`. Parameters ---------- filename : string, Path Input file. dtype : {'float64', 'float32', 'int32', 'int16'}, optional Data type to which the data in the wav file is casted, by default ``'float64'``. Floating point audio data is typically in the range from ``-1.0`` to ``1.0``. Note that ``'int16'`` and ``'int32'`` should only be used if the data was written in the same format. Integer data is in the range from ``-2**15`` to ``2**15-1`` for ``'int16'`` and from ``-2**31`` to ``2**31-1`` for ``'int32'``. In any case, the data is converted to float. **kwargs Other keyword arguments to be passed to :py:func:``. This is needed, e.g, to read RAW audio files. Returns ------- signal : Signal :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal` object containing the audio data. Notes ----- * This function is based on :py:func:``. * Reading int values from a float file will *not* scale the data to [-1.0, 1.0). If the file contains ``np.array([42.6], dtype='float32')``, you will read ``np.array([43], dtype='int32')`` for ``dtype='int32'``. """ if not soundfile_imported: warnings.warn(soundfile_warning, stacklevel=2) return data, sampling_rate = file=filename, dtype=dtype, always_2d=True, **kwargs) return Signal(data.T, sampling_rate, domain='time')
[docs] def write_audio(signal, filename, subtype=None, overwrite=True, **kwargs): """ Write a :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal` object as an audio file to disk. Writes 'wav', 'aiff', 'ogg', 'flac' and 'mp3' files among others. For a complete list see :py:func:`audio_formats`. Parameters ---------- signal : Signal Object to be written. filename : string, Path Output file. The format is determined from the file extension. See :py:func:`audio_formats` for all possible formats. subtype : str, optional The subtype of the sound file, the default value depends on the selected `format` (see :py:func:`default_audio_subtype`). See :py:func:`audio_subtypes` for all possible subtypes for a given ``format``. overwrite : bool Select wether to overwrite the audio file, if it already exists. The default is ``True``. **kwargs Other keyword arguments to be passed to :py:func:`soundfile.write`. Notes ----- * Signals are flattened before writing to disk (e.g. a signal with ``cshape = (3, 2)`` will be written to disk as a six channel audio file). * This function is based on :py:func:`soundfile.write`. * Except for the subtypes ``'FLOAT'``, ``'DOUBLE'`` and ``'VORBIS'`` ´ amplitudes larger than +/- 1 are clipped. * Only integer values are allowed for ``signal.sampling_rate``. """ if not soundfile_imported: warnings.warn(soundfile_warning, stacklevel=2) return sampling_rate = signal.sampling_rate data = signal.time # check sampling rate (libsoundfile only support ints) if not isinstance(sampling_rate, int): if sampling_rate % 1: raise ValueError(( f"The sampling rate is {sampling_rate} but must have an " f"integer value, e.g., {int(sampling_rate)} or " f"{int(sampling_rate + 1)} (See pyfar.dsp.resample for help)")) else: sampling_rate = int(sampling_rate) # Reshape to 2D data = data.reshape(-1, data.shape[-1]) if len(signal.cshape) != 1: warnings.warn( f"Signal flattened to {data.shape[0]} channels.", stacklevel=2) # Check if file exists and for overwrite if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(filename): raise FileExistsError( "File already exists," "use overwrite option to disable error.") else: # Only the subtypes FLOAT, DOUBLE, VORBIS are not clipped, # see _clipped_audio_subtypes() format_type = pathlib.Path(filename).suffix[1:] if subtype is None: subtype = default_audio_subtype(format_type) if (np.any(data > 1.) and subtype.upper() not in ['FLOAT', 'DOUBLE', 'VORBIS']): warnings.warn( (f'{format_type}-files of subtype {subtype} ' 'are clipped to +/- 1. ' 'Normalize your audio with pyfar.dsp.normalize to 1-LSB, with' ' LSB being the least significant bit (e.g. 2**-15 for ' "16 bit) or use non-clipping subtypes 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE', or " "'VORBIS' (see"), stacklevel=2) soundfile.write( file=filename, data=data.T, samplerate=sampling_rate, subtype=subtype, **kwargs)
[docs] def audio_formats(): """Return a dictionary of available audio formats. Notes ----- This function is a wrapper of :py:func:`soundfile.available_formats()`. Examples -------- >>> import pyfar as pf >>> {'FLAC': 'FLAC (FLAC Lossless Audio Codec)', 'OGG': 'OGG (OGG Container format)', 'WAV': 'WAV (Microsoft)', 'AIFF': 'AIFF (Apple/SGI)', ... 'WAVEX': 'WAVEX (Microsoft)', 'RAW': 'RAW (header-less)', 'MAT5': 'MAT5 (GNU Octave 2.1 / Matlab 5.0)'} """ if not soundfile_imported: warnings.warn(soundfile_warning, stacklevel=2) return return soundfile.available_formats()
[docs] @pf._utils.rename_arg( {"format" : "audio_format"}, "'format' will be deprecated in " "pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of 'audio_format'") def audio_subtypes(audio_format=None): """Return a dictionary of available audio subtypes. Parameters ---------- audio_format : str If given, only compatible subtypes are returned. Notes ----- This function is a wrapper of :py:func:`soundfile.available_subtypes()`. Examples -------- >>> import pyfar as pf >>>'FLAC') {'PCM_24': 'Signed 24 bit PCM', 'PCM_16': 'Signed 16 bit PCM', 'PCM_S8': 'Signed 8 bit PCM'} """ if not soundfile_imported: warnings.warn(soundfile_warning, stacklevel=2) return return soundfile.available_subtypes(format=audio_format)
[docs] @pf._utils.rename_arg( {"format" : "audio_format"}, "'format' will be deprecated in " "pyfar 0.9.0 in favor of 'audio_format'") def default_audio_subtype(audio_format): """Return the default subtype for a given format. Parameters ---------- audio_format : str If given, only compatible subtypes are returned. Notes ----- This function is a wrapper of :py:func:`soundfile.default_subtype()`. Examples -------- >>> import pyfar as pf >>>'WAV') 'PCM_16' >>>'MAT5') 'DOUBLE' """ if not soundfile_imported: warnings.warn(soundfile_warning, stacklevel=2) return return soundfile.default_subtype(audio_format)
[docs] def read_comsol(filename, expressions=None, parameters=None): r"""Read data exported from COMSOL Multiphysics. .. note:: The data is created by defining at least one `Expression` within a `Data` node in Comsol's `Results/Export` section. The `data format` needs to be `Spreadsheet`. This function supports several `Expressions` as well as results for `Parametric Sweeps`. For more information see :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path Input file. Excepted input files are .txt, .dat and .csv. .csv- files are strongly recommended, since .txt and .dat-files vary in their format definitions. expressions : list of strings, optional This parameter defines which parts of the COMSOL data is returned as a pyfar FrequencyData or TimeData object. By default, all expressions are returned. COMSOL terminology is used, e.g., ``expressions=['pabe.p_t']``. Further information and a list of all expressions can be obtained with :py:func:``. parameters : dict, optional COMSOL supports `Parametric Sweeps` to vary certain parameters in a sequence of simulations. The `parameters` dict contains the parameters and the their values that are to be returned. For example, in a study with a varying angle, the dict could be ``parameters={'theta': [0.0, 0.7854], 'phi': [0., 1.5708]}``. A list of all parameters included in a file can be obtained with :py:func:``. The default is ``None``, which means all parameters are included. Returns ------- data : FrequencyData, TimeData Returns a TimeData or FrequencyData object depending the domain of the input data. The output has the `cshape` (#points, #expressions, #parameter1, #parameter2, ...). In case of missing parameter value combinations in the input, the missing data is filled with nans. If the input does not include parameters, the `cshape` is just (#points, #expressions). coordinates : Coordinates Evaluation points extracted from the input file as Coordinates object. The coordinate system is always cartesian. If the input dimension is lower than three, missing dimensions are filled with zeros. If the input file does not include evaluation points (e.g., in case of non-local datasets such as averages or integrals) no `coordinates` are returned. Examples -------- Assume a `Pressure Acoustics BEM Simulation` (named "pabe" in COMSOL) for two frequencies including a `Parametric Sweep` with `All Combinations` of certain incident angles theta and phi for the incident sound wave. The sound pressure ("p_t") is exported to a file `comsol_sample.csv`. Obtain information on the input file with :py:func:``. >>> expressions, units, parameters, domain, domain_data = \ >>>'comsol_sample.csv') >>> expressions ['pabe.p_t'] >>> units ['Pa'] >>> parameters {'theta': [0.0, 0.7854, 1.5708, 2.3562, 3.1416], 'phi': [0.0, 1.5708, 3.1416, 4.7124]} >>> domain 'freq' >>> domain_data [100.0, 500.0] Read the data including all parameter combinations. >>> data, coordinates ='comsol_sample.csv') >>> data FrequencyData: (8, 1, 5, 4) channels with 2 frequencies >>> coordinates 1D Coordinates object with 8 points of cshape (8,) domain: cart, convention: right, unit: met coordinates: x in meters, y in meters, z in meters Does not contain sampling weights Read the data with a subset of the parameters. >>> parameter_subset = { 'theta': [1.5708, 2.3562, 3.1416], 'phi': [0.0, 1.5708, 3.1416, 4.7124]} >>> data, coordinates = >>> 'comsol_sample.csv', parameters=parameter_subset) >>> data FrequencyData: (8, 1, 3, 4) channels with 2 frequencies """ # check Datatype suffix = pathlib.Path(filename).suffix if suffix not in ['.txt', '.dat', '.csv']: raise SyntaxError(( "Input path must be a .txt, .csv or .dat file" f"but is of type {str(suffix)}")) # get header all_expressions, units, all_parameters, domain, domain_data \ = read_comsol_header(filename) if 'dB' in units: warnings.warn( r'The data contains values in dB. Consider to use de-logarithmize ' r'data, such as sound pressure, if possible. otherwise any ' r'further processing of the data might lead to erroneous results.', stacklevel=2) header, is_complex, delimiter = _read_comsol_get_headerline(filename) # set default variables if expressions is None: expressions = all_expressions.copy() if parameters is None: parameters = all_parameters.copy() # get meta data metadata = _read_comsol_metadata(filename) n_dimension = metadata['Dimension'] n_nodes = metadata['Nodes'] n_entries = metadata['Expressions'] # read data dtype = complex if is_complex else float domain_str = domain if domain == 'freq' else 't' raw_data = np.loadtxt( filename, dtype=dtype, comments='%', delimiter=delimiter, converters=lambda s: s.replace('i', 'j'), encoding=None) # force raw_data to 2D raw_data = np.reshape(raw_data, (n_nodes, n_entries+n_dimension)) # Define pattern for regular expressions, see test files for examples exp_pattern = r'([\w\/\^\*\(\)\[\]\-_.]+) \(' domain_pattern = domain_str + r'=([0-9.]+)' value_pattern = r'=([0-9.]+)' # read parameter and header data expressions_header = np.array(re.findall(exp_pattern, header)) domain_header = np.array( [float(x) for x in re.findall(domain_pattern, header)]) parameter_header = {} for key in parameters: parameter_header[key] = np.array( [float(x) for x in re.findall(key+value_pattern, header)]) # final data shape final_shape = [n_nodes, len(expressions)] for key in parameters: final_shape.append(len(parameters[key])) final_shape.append(len(domain_data)) # temporary shape n_combinations =[2:-1]) if parameters else 1 temp_shape = [n_nodes, len(expressions), n_combinations, len(domain_data)] # create pairs of parameter values pairs = np.meshgrid(*list(parameters.values())) parameter_pairs = {} for idx, key in enumerate(parameters): parameter_pairs[key] = pairs[idx].T.flatten() # loop over expressions, domain, parameters # extract the data by comparing with header # first fill the array with temporary shape, then reshape data_in = raw_data[:, -n_entries:] data_out = np.full(temp_shape, np.nan, dtype=dtype) for expression_idx, expression_key in enumerate(expressions): expression_mask = expressions_header == expression_key for parameter_idx in range(temp_shape[2]): parameter_mask = np.full_like(expression_mask, True) for key in parameters: parameter_mask &= parameter_header[key] \ == parameter_pairs[key][parameter_idx] for domain_idx, domain_value in enumerate(domain_data): domain_mask = domain_header == domain_value mask = parameter_mask & domain_mask & expression_mask if any(mask): data_out[:, expression_idx, parameter_idx, domain_idx] \ = data_in[:, mask].flatten() else: if parameters == all_parameters: warnings.warn( r'Specific combinations is set in the Parametric ' r'Sweep in Comsol. Missing data is filled with ' r'nans.', stacklevel=2) # reshape data to final shape data_out = np.reshape(data_out, final_shape) # create object comment = ', '.join(' '.join(x) for x in zip(all_expressions, units)) if domain == 'freq': data = FrequencyData(data_out, domain_data, comment=comment) else: data = TimeData(data_out, domain_data, comment=comment) # create coordinates if n_dimension > 0: coords_data = np.real(raw_data[:, 0:n_dimension]) x = coords_data[:, 0] y = coords_data[:, 1] if n_dimension > 1 else np.zeros_like(x) z = coords_data[:, 2] if n_dimension > 2 else np.zeros_like(x) coordinates = Coordinates(x, y, z) return data, coordinates else: return data
[docs] def read_comsol_header(filename): r"""Read header information on exported data from COMSOL Multiphysics. .. note:: The data is created by defining at least one `Expression` within a `Data` node in Comsol's `Results/Export` section. The `data format` needs to be `Spreadsheet`. This function supports several `Expressions` as well as results for `Parametric Sweeps`. For more information see below. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path Input file. Excepted input files are .txt, .dat and .csv. .csv- files are strongly recommended, since .txt and .dat-files vary in their format definitions. Returns ------- expressions : list of strings When exporting data in COMSOL, certain `Expressions` need to be specified that define the physical quantities to be exported. This function returns the expressions as a list, e.g., ``expressions=['pabe.p_t']``. units : list of strings List of the units corresponding to `expressions`, e.g., ``units=['Pa']``. parameters : dict COMSOL supports `Parametric Sweeps` to vary certain parameters in a sequence of simulations. This function returns the parameters and the parameter values as a dict. For example, in a study with a varying angle, the dict could be ``parameters={'theta': [0.0, 0.7854], 'phi': [0., 1.5708]}``. If the input does not include parameters, an emtpy dict is returnd. Note that the dict is same for `All Combinations` and `Specific Combinations` of parameters as a distinction is not possible due to the data format. domain : string Domain of the input data. Only time domain (``'time'``) or frequency domain (``'freq'``) simulations are supported. domain_data : list List containing the sampling times or frequency bins depending on the domain of the data in the input file. Examples -------- Assume a `Pressure Acoustics BEM Simulation` (named "pabe" in COMSOL) for two frequencies 100 Hz and 500 Hz including a `Parametric Sweep` of certain incident angles theta and phi for the incident sound wave. The sound pressure ("p_t") is exported to a file `comsol_sample.csv`. Obtain information on the input file. >>> expressions, units, parameters, domain, domain_data = \ >>>'comsol_sample.csv') >>> expressions ['pabe.p_t'] >>> units ['Pa'] >>> parameters {'theta': [0.0, 0.7854, 1.5708, 2.3562, 3.1416], 'phi': [0.0, 1.5708, 3.1416, 4.7124]} >>> domain 'freq' >>> domain_data [100.0, 500.0] """ # Check Datatype suffix = pathlib.Path(filename).suffix if not suffix.endswith(('.txt', '.dat', '.csv')): raise SyntaxError(( "Input path must be a .txt, .csv or .dat file" f"but is of type {str(suffix)}")) # read header header, _, _ = _read_comsol_get_headerline(filename) # Define pattern for regular expressions # the general structure is of the headers is a repetition of # expression (unit) @ domain=value, parameter_name=parameter_value,..., # see test files for examples # expression (unit) is the first term before @, contains arbitrary # characters exp_unit_pattern = r'([\w\(\)\/\^\*\[\]\-. ]+) @' # separate expression and unit at whitespace and ( exp_pattern = r'([\w\/\^\*\(\)\[\]\-_.]+) \(' unit_pattern = r'\(([\w\/\^\* .]+)\) @' # domain (e.g., time or freq) is the first term after @ domain_pattern = r'@ ([a-zA-Z]+)=' # values are numeric characters, after = value_pattern = r'=([0-9.]+)' # parameters contain arbitrary characters, before = param_pattern = r'([\w\/\^_.]+)=' # parameter values are numeric, sometimes given with their units param_unit_pattern = r'=[0-9.]+([a-zA-Z]+)' # read expressions expressions_with_unit = re.findall(exp_unit_pattern, header) expressions_all = re.findall(exp_pattern, ';'.join(expressions_with_unit)) expressions = _unique_strings(expressions_all) # read corresponding units exp_idxs = [expressions_all.index(e) for e in expressions] units_all = re.findall(unit_pattern, header) units = [units_all[i] for i in exp_idxs] # read domain data domain_str = re.findall(domain_pattern, header)[0] if domain_str == 't': domain = 'time' elif domain_str == 'freq': domain = domain_str else: raise ValueError( f"Domain can be 'time' or 'freq', but is {domain_str}.") domain_data = _unique_strings( re.findall(domain_str + value_pattern, header)) domain_data = [float(d) for d in domain_data] # create parameters dict parameter_names = _unique_strings(re.findall(param_pattern, header)) parameter_names.remove(domain_str) parameters = {} for para_name in parameter_names: unit = _unique_strings( re.findall(para_name + param_unit_pattern, header)) values = _unique_strings( re.findall(para_name + value_pattern, header)) values = [float(v) for v in values] parameters[para_name] = [x+unit for x in values] if unit else values return expressions, units, parameters, domain, domain_data
def _read_comsol_metadata(filename): suffix = pathlib.Path(filename).suffix metadata = {} # loop over meta data lines (starting with %) number_names = ['Dimension', 'Nodes', 'Expressions'] with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0] != '%': break elif any(n in line for n in number_names): # character replacements, splits line = line.lstrip('% ') if suffix == '.csv': line = line.replace('"', '').split(',') elif suffix in ['.dat', '.txt']: line = line.replace(',', ';').replace(':', ',').split(',') metadata[line[0]] = int(line[-1]) return metadata def _unique_strings(expression_list): unique = [] for e in expression_list: if e not in unique: unique.append(e) return unique def _read_comsol_get_headerline(filename): header = [] with open(filename) as f: last_line = [] for line in f.readlines(): if not line.startswith('%'): header = last_line break last_line = line is_complex = 'i' in line delimiter = ',' if ',' in line else None return header, is_complex, delimiter