"""Line plots for time and frequency domain signals."""
from pyfar.plot.utils import context
from . import _line
from . import _interaction as ia
def time(signal, dB=False, log_prefix=20, log_reference=1, unit="s",
ax=None, style='light', mode='real', **kwargs):
"""Plot the time signal.
Plots ``signal.time`` and passes keyword arguments (`kwargs`) to
signal : Signal, TimeData
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
dB : bool
Indicate if the data should be plotted in dB in which case
``log_prefix * np.log10(signal.time / log_reference)`` is used. The
default is ``False``.
log_prefix : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic time data. The default is
log_reference : integer
Reference for calculating the logarithmic time data. The default is
unit : str, None
Set the unit of the time axis.
``'s'`` (default)
Use seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds depending on the length
of the data.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which uses the current axis
or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
mode : str, optional
``real``, ``imag``, or ``abs`` to specify if the real part, imaginary
part or absolute value of the time data is plotted. ``'imag'`` and
``'abs'``` can only be used for complex Signals.
The default is ``real``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sine = pf.signals.sine(100, 4410)
>>> pf.plot.time(sine, unit='ms')
with context(style):
ax = _line._time(signal.flatten(), dB, log_prefix, log_reference, unit,
ax, mode, **kwargs)
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'time', dB_time=dB, log_prefix_time=log_prefix,
log_reference=log_reference, unit_time=unit, mode=mode)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax.interaction = interaction
return ax
def freq(signal, dB=True, log_prefix=None, log_reference=1, freq_scale='log',
ax=None, style='light', side='right', **kwargs):
Plot the magnitude spectrum.
Plots ``abs(signal.freq)`` and passes keyword arguments (`kwargs`) to
signal : Signal, FrequencyData
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
dB : bool
Indicate if the data should be plotted in dB in which case
``log_prefix * np.log10(abs(signal.freq) / log_reference)`` is used.
The default is ``True``.
log_prefix : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default is
``None``, so ``10`` is chosen if ``signal.fft_norm`` is ``'power'`` or
``'psd'`` and ``20`` otherwise.
log_reference : integer, float
Reference for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default
is ``1``.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which uses the current axis
or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sine = pf.signals.sine(100, 4410)
>>> pf.plot.freq(sine)
with context(style):
ax = _line._freq(signal.flatten(), dB, log_prefix, log_reference,
freq_scale, ax, side, **kwargs)
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'freq', dB_freq=dB, log_prefix_freq=log_prefix,
log_reference=log_reference, xscale=freq_scale, side=side)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax.interaction = interaction
return ax
def phase(signal, deg=False, unwrap=False, freq_scale='log', ax=None,
style='light', side='right', **kwargs):
"""Plot the phase of the spectrum.
Plots ``angle(signal.freq)`` and passes keyword arguments (`kwargs`) to
signal : Signal, FrequencyData
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
deg : bool
Plot the phase in degrees. The default is ``False``, which plots the
phase in radians.
unwrap : bool, str
True to unwrap the phase or ``'360'`` to unwrap the phase to 2 pi. The
default is ``False``, which plots the wrapped phase.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which uses the current axis
or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(100, 10)
>>> pf.plot.phase(impulse, unwrap=True)
with context(style):
ax = _line._phase(
signal.flatten(), deg, unwrap, freq_scale, ax, side=side, **kwargs)
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'phase', deg=deg, unwrap=unwrap, xscale=freq_scale, side=side)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax.interaction = interaction
return ax
def group_delay(signal, unit="s", freq_scale='log', ax=None, style='light',
side='right', **kwargs):
"""Plot the group delay.
Plots ``pyfar.dsp.group_delay(signal.freq)`` and passes keyword arguments
(`kwargs`) to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
signal : Signal
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
unit : str, None
Set the unit of the time axis.
``'s'`` (default)
Use seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds depending on the length
of the data.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which uses the current axis
or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(100, 10)
>>> pf.plot.group_delay(impulse, unit='samples')
with context(style):
ax = _line._group_delay(
signal.flatten(), unit, freq_scale, ax, side=side, **kwargs)
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'group_delay', unit_gd=unit, xscale=freq_scale, side=side)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax.interaction = interaction
return ax
def time_freq(signal, dB_time=False, dB_freq=True, log_prefix_time=20,
log_prefix_freq=None, log_reference=1, freq_scale='log',
unit="s", ax=None, style='light',
mode='real', side='right', **kwargs):
Plot the time signal and magnitude spectrum (2 by 1 subplot).
Plots ``signal.time`` and ``abs(signal.freq)`` passes keyword arguments
(`kwargs`) to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
signal : Signal
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
dB_time : bool
Indicate if the data should be plotted in dB in which case
``log_prefix * np.log10(signal.time / log_reference)`` is used. The
default is ``False``.
dB_freq : bool
Indicate if the data should be plotted in dB in which case
``log_prefix * np.log10(abs(signal.freq) / log_reference)`` is used.
The default is ``True``.
log_prefix_time : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic time data.
The default is ``20``.
log_prefix_freq : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default is
``None``, so ``10`` is chosen if ``signal.fft_norm`` is ``'power'`` or
``'psd'`` and ``20`` otherwise.
log_reference : integer
Reference for calculating the logarithmic time/frequency data.
The default is ``1``.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
unit : str, None
Set the unit of the time axis.
``'s'`` (default)
Use seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds depending on the length
of the data.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Array or list with two axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which
uses the current axis or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
mode : str
``'real'``, ``'imag'``, or ``'abs'`` to specify if the real part,
imaginary part or absolute value of the time data is plotted.
``'imag'`` and ``'abs'``` can only be used for complex Signals.
The default is ``'real'``.
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sine = pf.signals.sine(100, 4410)
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sine, unit='ms')
with context(style):
ax = _line._time_freq(signal.flatten(), dB_time, dB_freq,
log_prefix_time, log_prefix_freq,
log_reference, freq_scale, unit, ax,
mode=mode, side=side,
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'time_freq', dB_time=dB_time, dB_freq=dB_freq,
log_prefix_time=log_prefix_time, log_prefix_freq=log_prefix_freq,
log_reference=log_reference, xscale=freq_scale, unit_time=unit,
mode=mode, side=side)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax[0].interaction = interaction
return ax
def freq_phase(signal, dB=True, log_prefix=None, log_reference=1,
freq_scale='log', deg=False, unwrap=False, ax=None,
style='light', side='right', **kwargs):
"""Plot the magnitude and phase spectrum (2 by 1 subplot).
Plots ``abs(signal.freq)`` and ``angle(signal.freq)`` and passes keyword
arguments (`kwargs`) to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
signal : Signal, FrequencyData
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
dB : bool
Indicate if the data should be plotted in dB in which case
``log_prefix * np.log10(abs(signal.freq) / log_reference)`` is used.
The default is ``True``.
log_prefix : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default is
``None``, so ``10`` is chosen if ``signal.fft_norm`` is ``'power'`` or
``'psd'`` and ``20`` otherwise.
log_reference : integer
Reference for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default
is ``1``.
deg : bool
Flag to plot the phase in degrees. The default is ``False``.
unwrap : bool, str
True to unwrap the phase or ``'360'`` to unwrap the phase to 2 pi. The
default is ``False``.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Array or list with two axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which
uses the current axis or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.plot
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(100, 10)
>>> pf.plot.freq_phase(impulse, unwrap=True)
with context(style):
ax = _line._freq_phase(signal.flatten(), dB, log_prefix, log_reference,
freq_scale, deg, unwrap, ax, side=side,
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'freq_phase', dB_freq=dB, log_prefix_freq=log_prefix,
log_reference=log_reference, xscale=freq_scale, deg=deg,
unwrap=unwrap, side=side)
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax[0].interaction = interaction
return ax
def freq_group_delay(signal, dB=True, log_prefix=None, log_reference=1,
unit="s", freq_scale='log', ax=None, style='light',
side='right', **kwargs):
"""Plot the magnitude and group delay spectrum (2 by 1 subplot).
Plots ``abs(signal.freq)`` and ``pyfar.dsp.group_delay(signal.freq)`` and
passes keyword arguments (`kwargs`) to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
signal : Signal
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
dB : bool
Flag to plot the logarithmic magnitude spectrum. The default is
log_prefix : integer, float
Prefix for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default is
``None``, so ``10`` is chosen if ``signal.fft_norm`` is ``'power'`` or
``'psd'`` and ``20`` otherwise.
log_reference : integer
Reference for calculating the logarithmic frequency data. The default
is ``1``.
unit : str, None
Set the unit of the time axis.
``'s'`` (default)
Use seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds depending on the length
of the data.
freq_scale : str
``linear`` or ``log`` to plot on a linear or logarithmic frequency
axis. The default is ``log``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Array or list with two axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which
uses the current axis or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
side : str, optional
``'right'`` to plot the right-sided spectrum containing the positive
frequencies, or ``'left'`` to plot the left-sided spectrum containing
the negative frequencies (only possible for complex Signals). The
default is ``'right'``.
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes or array of axes containing the plot.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(100, 10)
>>> pf.plot.freq_group_delay(impulse, unit='samples')
with context(style):
ax = _line._freq_group_delay(
signal.flatten(), dB, log_prefix, log_reference,
unit, freq_scale, ax, side=side, **kwargs)
# manage interaction
plot_parameter = ia.PlotParameter(
'freq_group_delay', dB_freq=dB, log_prefix_freq=log_prefix,
log_reference=log_reference, unit_gd=unit, xscale=freq_scale,
interaction = ia.Interaction(
signal, ax, None, style, plot_parameter, **kwargs)
ax[0].interaction = interaction
return ax
def custom_subplots(signal, plots, ax=None, style='light', **kwargs):
Plot multiple pyfar plots with a custom layout and default parameters.
The plots are passed as a list of :py:mod:`pyfar.plot` function handles.
The subplot layout is taken from the shape of that list
(see example below).
signal : Signal
The input data to be plotted. Multidimensional data are flattened for
plotting, e.g, a signal of ``signal.cshape = (2, 2)`` would be plotted
in the order ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)``, ``(1, 0)``, ``(1, 1)``.
plots : list, nested list
Function handles for plotting.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes to plot on. The default is ``None``, which uses the current axis
or creates a new figure if none exists.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark`` to use the pyfar plot styles or a plot style from
:py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. Pass a dictionary to set
specific plot parameters, for example
``style = {'axes.facecolor':'black'}``. Pass an empty dictionary
``style = {}`` to use the currently active plotstyle. The default is
Keyword arguments that are passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
ax : list of matplotlib.axes.Axes
List of axes handles
Generate a two by two subplot layout
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> impulse = pf.signals.impulse(100, 10)
>>> plots = [[pf.plot.time, pf.plot.phase],
... [pf.plot.freq, pf.plot.group_delay]]
>>> pf.plot.custom_subplots(impulse, plots)
with context(style):
ax = _line._custom_subplots(signal.flatten(), plots, ax, **kwargs)
return ax