"""Utilities for the pyfar plot module."""
import matplotlib.style as mpl_style
import os
import json
import contextlib
from . import _utils
from pyfar.plot._interaction import PlotParameter
def plotstyle(style='light'):
Get the fullpath of the pyfar plotstyles ``light`` or ``dark``.
The plotstyles are defined by mplstyle files, which is Matplotlibs format
to define styles. By default, pyfar uses the ``light`` plotstyle.
style : str
``light`` or ``dark``
style : str
Full path to the pyfar plotstyle.
See Also
if style in ['light', 'dark']:
style = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plotstyles', f'{style}.mplstyle')
return style
def context(style='light', after_reset=False):
"""Context manager for using plot styles temporarily.
This context manager supports the two pyfar styles ``light`` and ``dark``.
It is a wrapper for :py:func:`matplotlib.style.context`.
style : str, dict, Path or list
A style specification. Valid options are:
| str | The name of a style or a path/URL to a style file. For a |
| | list of available style names, see |
| | :py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. |
| dict | Dictionary with valid key/value pairs for |
| | :py:data:`matplotlib.rcParams`. |
| Path | A path-like object which is a path to a style file. |
| list | A list of style specifiers (str, Path or dict) applied from |
| | first to last in the list. |
after_reset : bool
If ``True``, apply style after resetting settings to their defaults;
otherwise, apply style on top of the current settings.
See Also
Generate customizable subplots with the default pyfar plot style
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> with pf.plot.context():
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
>>> pf.plot.time(pf.Signal([0, 1, 0, -1], 44100), ax=ax[0])
# get pyfar plotstyle if desired
style = plotstyle(style)
# apply plot style
with mpl_style.context(style, after_reset=after_reset):
def use(style="light"):
Use plot style settings from a style specification.
The style name of ``default`` is reserved for reverting back to
the default style settings. This is a wrapper for
:py:func:`matplotlib.style.use` that supports the pyfar plot styles
``light`` and ``dark``.
style : str, dict, Path or list
A style specification. Valid options are:
| str | The name of a style or a path/URL to a style file. For a |
| | list of available style names, see |
| | :py:data:`matplotlib.style.available`. |
| dict | Dictionary with valid key/value pairs for |
| | :py:data:`matplotlib.rcParams`. |
| Path | A path-like object which is a path to a style file. |
| list | A list of style specifiers (str, Path or dict) applied from |
| | first to last in the list. |
See Also
This updates the `rcParams` with the settings from the style. `rcParams`
not defined in the style are kept.
Permanently use the pyfar default plot style
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> pf.plot.utils.use()
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
>>> pf.plot.time(pf.Signal([0, 1, 0, -1], 44100), ax=ax[0])
# get pyfar plotstyle if desired
style = plotstyle(style)
# use plot style
def color(color):
"""Return pyfar default color as HEX string.
color : int, str
The colors can be specified by their index, their full name,
or the first letter. Available colors are:
| 1 | ``'b'`` | blue |
| 2 | ``'r'`` | red |
| 3 | ``'y'`` | yellow |
| 4 | ``'p'`` | purple |
| 5 | ``'g'`` | green |
| 6 | ``'t'`` | turquois |
| 7 | ``'o'`` | orange |
| 8 | ``'l'`` | light green |
color_hex : str
pyfar default color as HEX string
color_dict = _utils._default_color_dict()
colors = list(color_dict.keys())
if isinstance(color, str):
if color[0] not in colors:
raise ValueError((f"color is '{color}' but must be one of the "
f"following {', '.join(colors)}"))
# all colors differ by their first letter
color_hex = color_dict[color[0]]
elif isinstance(color, int):
color_hex = list(color_dict.values())[color % len(colors)]
raise ValueError("color is has to be of type str or int.")
return color_hex
def shortcuts(show=True, report=False, layout="console"):
"""Show and return keyboard shortcuts for interactive figures.
Note that the shortcuts are only available if using an interactive
`Matplotlib backend
.. include:: ../../docs/resources/plot_shortcuts.rst
show : bool, optional
Output the keyboard shortcuts to the default console. The default is
report : bool, optional
Return the console output as a string. The default is ``False``.
layout : str, optional
Specify the layout of the output. ``'console'`` for printing to console
and ``'sphinx'`` for generating sphinx readable output. The default is
short_cuts : dict
Dictionary that contains all the shortcuts.
output : str, optional
The console output as a string. Only returned if `report` is ``True``.
""" # noqa: W605 (to ignore \*)
# load short cuts from json file
sc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'shortcuts', 'shortcuts.json')
with open(sc, "r") as read_file:
short_cuts = json.load(read_file)
# print list of short cuts
if show or report:
# get list of plots that allow toggling axes and colormaps
x_toggle = []
y_toggle = []
for plot in short_cuts["plots"]:
params = PlotParameter(plot)
if params.x_type is not None:
if len(params.x_type) > 1:
if params.y_type is not None:
if len(params.y_type) > 1:
# shortcuts for toggling between plots
if layout == "console":
sc_str = ("Use these shortcuts to toggle between plots\n"
elif layout == "sphinx":
sc_str = "**Use these shortcuts to toggle between plots**\n\n"
sc_str += (
".. list-table::\n"
" :widths: 25 100\n"
" :header-rows: 1\n\n"
" * - Key\n"
" - Plot\n")
raise ValueError(
f"layout is '{layout}' but must be 'console' or 'sphinx'")
plt = short_cuts["plots"]
for p in plt:
if "key_verbose" in plt[p]:
key = plt[p]["key_verbose"]
key = plt[p]["key"]
if layout == "console":
sc_str += f'{", ".join(key)}: {p}\n'
sc_str += (f' * - {", ".join(key)}\n'
f' - :py:func:`~pyfar.plot.{p}`\n')
sc_str += ("\nNote that not all plots are available for TimeData and "
"FrequencyData objects as detailed in the "
":py:mod:`plot module <pyfar.plot>` documentation.\n\n")
# shortcut for controlling the plot
if layout == "console":
sc_str += ("Use these shortcuts to control the plot\n"
elif layout == "sphinx":
sc_str += "**Use these shortcuts to control the plot**\n\n"
sc_str += (
".. list-table::\n"
" :widths: 25 100\n"
" :header-rows: 1\n\n"
" * - Key\n"
" - Action\n")
ctr = short_cuts["controls"]
for action in ctr:
if "key_verbose" in ctr[action]:
key = ctr[action]["key_verbose"]
key = ctr[action]["key"]
if layout == "console":
sc_str += f'{", ".join(key)}: {ctr[action]["info"]}\n'
sc_str += (f' * - {", ".join(key)}\n'
f' - {ctr[action]["info"]}\n')
# notes on plot controls
if layout == "console":
sc_str += ("\nNotes on plot controls\n"
elif layout == "sphinx":
sc_str += "\n**Notes on plot controls**\n\n"
# generate links to plot function for sphinx documentation
if layout == 'sphinx':
x_toggle = [f":py:func:`~pyfar.plot.{x}`" for x in x_toggle]
y_toggle = [f":py:func:`~pyfar.plot.{y}`" for y in y_toggle]
spectrogram = ":py:func:`~pyfar.plot.spectrogram`"
spectrogram = "spectrogram"
sc_str += ("- Moving and zooming the x and y axes is supported by all "
"- Moving and zooming the colormap is only supported by "
"plots that have a colormap.\n"
"- Toggling the x-axis, y-axis and colormap toggles "
" - linear and logarithmic axis scaling for frequency "
" - seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and samples for "
"time axes,\n"
" - linear amplitude and amplitude in dB for axes showing "
" - wrapped and unwrapped phase for axes showing phase "
"phase information.\n\n"
"- Toggling the x-axis style is supported by: "
f"{', '.join(x_toggle)} (and their 2d versions)\n"
"- Toggling the y-axis style is supported by: "
f"{', '.join(y_toggle)} (and their 2d versions)\n"
"- Toggling the colormap style is supported by all "
"2d plots\n"
"- Toggling between line and 2D plots is not supported by:"
f" {spectrogram}\n")
if show:
if report:
return short_cuts, sc_str
return short_cuts