"""Module for generating deterministic signals as part of pyfar.signals."""
import numpy as np
import warnings
import pyfar
def sine(frequency, n_samples, amplitude=1, phase=0, sampling_rate=44100,
"""Generate a single or multi channel sine signal.
frequency : double, array like
Frequency of the sine in Hz (0 <= `frequency` <= `sampling_rate`/2).
n_samples : int
Length of the signal in samples.
amplitude : double, array like, optional
The amplitude. The default is ``1``.
phase : double, array like, optional
The phase in radians. The default is ``0``.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
full_period : boolean, optional
Make sure that the returned signal contains an integer number of
periods resulting in a periodic signal. This is done by adjusting the
frequency of the sine. The default is ``False``.
signal : Signal
The sine signal. The Signal is in the time domain and has the ``rms``
FFT normalization (see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`).
The exact frequency, amplitude and phase are written to `comment`.
The parameters `frequency`, `amplitude`, and `phase` are broadcasted using
the :doc:`numpy rules<numpy:user/basics.broadcasting>`. For example
`frequency` could be of shape ``(2, 4)``, `amplitude` of shape ``(2, 1)``,
and `phase` could be a scalar. In this case all parameters would be
broadcasted to a shape of ``(2, 4)``.
# check and match the cshape
cshape, (frequency, amplitude, phase) = _match_shape(
frequency, amplitude, phase)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(("The parameters frequency, amplitude, and phase can "
"not be broadcasted to the same shape")) from error
if np.any(frequency < 0) or np.any(frequency > sampling_rate/2):
raise ValueError(
f"The frequency must be between 0 and {sampling_rate/2} Hz")
# generate the sine signal
n_samples = int(n_samples)
times = np.arange(n_samples) / sampling_rate
sine = np.zeros(cshape + (n_samples, ))
for idx in np.ndindex(cshape):
if full_period:
# nearest number of full periods
num_periods = np.round(
n_samples / sampling_rate * frequency[idx])
# corresponding frequency
frequency[idx] = num_periods * sampling_rate / n_samples
sine[idx] = amplitude[idx] * \
np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency[idx] * times + phase[idx])
# save to Signal
nl = "\n" # required as variable because f-strings cannot contain "\"
comment = (f"Sine signal (f = {str(frequency).replace(nl, ',')} Hz, "
f"amplitude = {str(amplitude).replace(nl, ',')}, "
f"phase = {str(phase).replace(nl, ',')} rad)")
signal = pyfar.Signal(
sine, sampling_rate, fft_norm="rms", comment=comment)
return signal
def impulse(n_samples, delay=0, amplitude=1, sampling_rate=44100):
Generate a single or multi channel impulse signal, also known as the
Dirac delta function.
.. math::
s(n) =
\text{amplitude}, & \text{if $n$ = delay}\\
0, & \text{else}
n_samples : int
Length of the impulse in samples
delay : double, array like, optional
Delay in samples. The default is ``0``.
amplitude : double, array like, optional
The peak amplitude of the impulse. The default is ``1``.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
signal : Signal
The impulse signal. The Signal is in the time domain and has the
``none`` FFT normalization (see
:py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`). The delay and amplitude
are written to `comment`.
The parameters `delay` and `amplitude` are broadcasted using the
:doc:`numpy rules<numpy:user/basics.broadcasting>`. For example `delay`
could be of shape ``(2, 4)``, `amplitude` of shape ``(2, 1)`` or a scalar.
In this case all parameters would be broadcasted to a shape of ``(2, 4)``.
# check and match the cshape
cshape, (delay, amplitude) = _match_shape(delay, amplitude)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(
("The parameters delay and amplitude can not be "
"broadcasted to the same shape")) from error
# generate the impulse
n_samples = int(n_samples)
impulse = np.zeros(cshape + (n_samples, ), dtype=np.double)
for idx in np.ndindex(cshape):
impulse[idx + (delay[idx], )] = amplitude[idx]
# save to Signal
nl = "\n" # required as variable because f-strings cannot contain "\"
comment = (f"Impulse signal (delay = {str(delay).replace(nl, ',')} "
f"samples, amplitude = {str(amplitude).replace(nl, ',')})")
signal = pyfar.Signal(impulse, sampling_rate, comment=comment)
return signal
def linear_sweep_time(n_samples, frequency_range, n_fade_out=90, amplitude=1,
Generate sine sweep with linearly increasing frequency in the time domain.
Time domain sweep generation according to [#]_:
.. math::
s(t) = \sin(2\pi f_\mathrm{low} t + 2\pi (f_\mathrm{high}-
f_\mathrm{low}) / T \cdot t^2 / 2),
with :math:`T` the duration in seconds, :math:`t` the sampling points in
seconds, and the frequency limits :math:`f_\mathrm{low}` and
The linear sweep can also be generated in the frequency domain (see
:py:func:`~linear_sweep_freq`). Time domain synthesis exhibits a constant
temporal envelope at the cost of slight ripples in the magnitude response.
Frequency domain synthesis exhibits smooth magnitude spectra at the cost
of a slightly irregular temporal envelope.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples
frequency_range : array like
Frequency range of the sweep given by the lower and upper cut-off
frequency in Hz.
n_fade_out : int, optional
The length of the squared cosine fade-out in samples. This is done to
avoid discontinuities at the end of the sweep. The default is ``90``,
which equals approximately 2 ms at sampling rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz.
amplitude : double, optional
The amplitude of the signal. The default is ``1``.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain and has the ``none``
FFT normalization (see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`). The
sweep type, frequency range, and length of the fade our are written to
.. [#] Farina, Angelo (2000): "Simultaneous measurement of impulse
response and distortion with a swept-sine technique." 108th AES
Convention, Paris: France.
Linear sweep between 0 and 22050 Hz
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sweep = pf.signals.linear_sweep_time(2**16, [0, 22050])
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sweep)
signal = _time_domain_sweep(
n_samples, frequency_range, n_fade_out, amplitude,
sampling_rate, "linear")
return signal
def linear_sweep_freq(
n_samples, frequency_range, start_margin, stop_margin, n_fade_in=0,
n_fade_out=0, bandpass_order=8, sampling_rate=44100,
Generate sine sweep with linearly increasing frequency in the frequency
Sine sweep synthesis according to [#]_.
The linear sweep can also be generated in the time domain
(:py:func:`~linear_sweep_time`). Frequency domain synthesis exhibits
smooth magnitude spectra at the cost of a slightly irregular temporal
envelope. Time domain synthesis exhibits a constant temporal envelope in
trade of slight ripples in the magnitude response.
.. note::
The envelope of the sweep time signal should be constant, apart from
slight overshoots at the beginning and end. If this is not the case,
try to increase `n_samples`, `start_margin`, `stop_margin`, `n_fade_in`
or `n_fade_out`.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples.
frequency_range : array like
Frequency range of the sweep given by the lower and upper cut-off
frequency in Hz. The restriction of the frequency range is realized
by applying a Butterworth high-pass if ``frequency_range[0] > 0``
and/or by a low-pass if ``frequency_range[1] < sampling_rate / 2``.
start_margin : int, float
The time in samples, at which the sweep starts. The start margin is
required because the frequency domain sweep synthesis has pre-ringing
in the time domain.
stop_margin : int, float
Time in samples, at which the sweep stops. This is relative to
`n_samples`, e.g., a stop margin of 100 samples means that the sweep
ends at sample ``n_samples-100``. This is required, because the
frequency domain sweep synthesis has post-ringing in the time domain.
n_fade_in : int, optional
Duration of a squared sine fade-in in samples. The fade starts at the
first sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-in.
n_fade_out : int, optional
Duration of a squared cosine fade-out in samples. The fade ends at the
last sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-out.
bandpass_order : int, optional
The order of the Butterworth filters that are applied to limit the
frequency range (see above). The default is ``8``.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
return_group_delay : boolean, optional
Return the analytical group delay of the sweep. This can be used to
compute the times at which distortion products appear. The default is
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain, has a maximum
absolute amplitude of 1 and the ``none`` FFT normalization
(see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`).
group_delay_sweep : FrequencyData
The analytical group delay of the sweep in seconds as a single sided
spectrum. Only returned if `return_group_delay` is ``True``.
.. [#] S. Müller, P. Massarani. 'Transfer Function Measurement with Sweeps.
Directors Cut Including Previously Unreleased Material and some
Corrections.' J. Audio Eng. Soc. 2001, 49 (6), 443-471.
Linear sweep between 50 and 22050 Hz
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sweep = pf.signals.linear_sweep_freq(
... 2**16, [50, 22050], 1000, 1000)
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sweep)
return _frequency_domain_sweep(
def exponential_sweep_time(n_samples, frequency_range, n_fade_out=90,
amplitude=1, sweep_rate=None, sampling_rate=44100):
Generate sine sweep with exponentially increasing frequency in the time
Time domain sweep generation according to [#]_:
.. math::
s(t) = \sin(2\pi f_\mathrm{low} L \left( e^{t/L} - 1 \right))
.. math::
L = T / \log(f_\mathrm{high}/f_\mathrm{low}),
:math:`T` the duration in seconds, :math:`t` the sampling points in
seconds, and the frequency limits :math:`f_\mathrm{low}` and
The exponential sweep can also be generated in the frequency domain (see
see :py:func:`~exponential_sweep_freq`). Time domain synthesis exhibits a
constant temporal envelope at the cost of slight ripples in the magnitude
response. Frequency domain synthesis exhibits smooth magnitude spectra
at the cost of a slightly irregular temporal envelope.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples
frequency_range : array like
Frequency range of the sweep given by the lower and upper cut-off
frequency in Hz.
n_fade_out : int, optional
The length of the squared cosine fade-out in samples. This is done to
avoid discontinuities at the end of the sweep. The default is ``90``,
which equals approximately 2 ms at sampling rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz.
amplitude : double, optional
The amplitude of the signal. The default is ``1``.
sweep_rate : double, optional
Rate at which the sine frequency increases over time in octaves per
second. If this is given, `n_samples` is calculated according to the
`sweep_rate` and `frequency_range`. The default is ``None``, which uses
`n_samples` without modifications.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain and has the ``none``
FFT normalization (see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`). The
sweep type, frequency range, and length of the fade our are written to
.. [#] Farina, Angelo (2000): "Simultaneous measurement of impulse
response and distortion with a swept-sine technique." 108th AES
Convention, Paris: France.
Exponential sweep between 50 and 22050 Hz
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sweep = pf.signals.exponential_sweep_time(2**16, [50, 22050])
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sweep)
signal = _time_domain_sweep(
n_samples, frequency_range, n_fade_out, amplitude, sampling_rate,
"exponential", sweep_rate)
return signal
def exponential_sweep_freq(
n_samples, frequency_range, start_margin, stop_margin, n_fade_in=0,
n_fade_out=0, bandpass_order=8, sampling_rate=44100,
Generate sine sweep with exponentially increasing frequency in the
frequency domain.
Sweep synthesis according to [#]_.
The exponential sweep can also be generated in the time domain
(:py:func:`~exponential_sweep_time`). Frequency domain synthesis
exhibits smooth magnitude spectra at the cost of a slightly irregular
temporal envelope. Time domain synthesis exhibits a constant temporal
envelope at the cost of slight ripples in the magnitude response.
.. note::
The envelope of the sweep time signal should be constant, apart from
slight overshoots at the beginning and end. If this is not the case,
try to increase `n_samples`, `start_margin`, `stop_margin`, `n_fade_in`
or `n_fade_out`.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples.
frequency_range : array like
Frequency range of the sweep given by the lower and upper cut-off
frequency in Hz. The restriction of the frequency range is realized
by applying a Butterworth high-pass if ``frequency_range[0] > 0``
and/or by a low-pass if ``frequency_range[1] < sampling_rate / 2``.
Note that the exponential sweep can not start at 0 Hz, because its
magnitude is defined by 1/frequency.
start_margin : int, float
The time in samples, at which the sweep starts. The start margin is
required because the frequency domain sweep synthesis has pre-ringing
in the time domain.
stop_margin : int, float
Time in samples, at which the sweep stops. This is relative to
`n_samples`, e.g., a stop margin of 100 samples means that the sweep
ends at sample ``n_samples-100``. This is required, because the
frequency domain sweep synthesis has post-ringing in the time domain.
n_fade_in : int, optional
Duration of a squared sine fade-in in samples. The fade starts at the
first sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-in.
n_fade_out : int, optional
Duration of a squared cosine fade-out in samples. The fade ends at the
last sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-out.
bandpass_order : int, optional
The order of the Butterworth filters that are applied to limit the
frequency range (see above). The default is ``8``.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
return_group_delay : boolean, optional
Return the analytical group delay of the sweep. This can be used to
compute the times at which distortion products appear. The default is
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain, has a maximum
absolute amplitude of 1 and the ``none`` FFT normalization
(see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`).
group_delay_sweep : FrequencyData
The analytical group delay of the sweep in seconds as a single sided
spectrum. Only returned if `return_group_delay` is ``True``.
.. [#] S. Müller, P. Massarani. 'Transfer Function Measurement with Sweeps.
Directors Cut Including Previously Unreleased Material and some
Corrections.' J. Audio Eng. Soc. 2001, 49 (6), 443-471.
Exponential sweep between 50 and 22050 Hz
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sweep = pf.signals.exponential_sweep_freq(
... 2**16, [50, 22050], 5000, 1000)
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sweep)
return _frequency_domain_sweep(
def magnitude_spectrum_weighted_sweep(
n_samples, magnitude_spectrum, start_margin, stop_margin,
n_fade_in=0, n_fade_out=0, sampling_rate=44100,
Generate sine sweep with arbitrary magnitude spectrum in the frequency
Frequency domain sine sweep synthesis according to [#]_. There is currently
no method to design sine sweeps with arbitrary magnitude response in the
time domain.
.. note::
The envelope of the sweep time signal should be constant, apart from
slight overshoots at the beginning and end. If this is not the case,
try to increase `n_samples`, `start_margin`, `stop_margin`, `n_fade_in`
or `n_fade_out`, or provide a more smooth magnitude spectrum.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples.
magnitude_spectrum : Signal
The magnitude spectrum as a Signal object. Must be at least `n_samples`
long and is zero-padded to `n_samples` otherwise.
start_margin : int, float
The time in samples, at which the sweep starts. The start margin is
required because the frequency domain sweep synthesis has pre-ringing
in the time domain.
stop_margin : int, float
Time in samples, at which the sweep stops. This is relative to
`n_samples`, e.g., a stop margin of 100 samples means that the sweep
ends at sample ``n_samples-100``. This is required, because the
frequency domain sweep synthesis has post-ringing in the time domain.
n_fade_in : int, optional
Duration of a squared sine fade-in in samples. The fade starts at the
first sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-in.
n_fade_out : int, optional
Duration of a squared cosine fade-out in samples. The fade ends at the
last sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal. The default ``0`` does not apply
a fade-out.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
return_group_delay : boolean, optional
Return the analytical group delay of the sweep. This can be used to
compute the times at which distortion products appear. The default is
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain, has a maximum
absolute amplitude of 1 and the ``none`` FFT normalization
(see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`).
group_delay_sweep : FrequencyData
The analytical group delay of the sweep in seconds as a single sided
spectrum. Only returned if `return_group_delay` is ``True``.
.. [#] S. Müller, P. Massarani. 'Transfer Function Measurement with Sweeps.
Directors Cut Including Previously Unreleased Material and some
Corrections.' J. Audio Eng. Soc. 2001, 49 (6), 443-471.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> magnitude = pf.dsp.filter.low_shelf(
... pf.signals.impulse(2**16), 500, 20, 2)
>>> magnitude = pf.dsp.filter.butterworth(magnitude, 8, 50, 'highpass')
>>> sweep = pf.signals.magnitude_spectrum_weighted_sweep(
... 2**16, magnitude, 5000, 1000)
>>> pf.plot.time_freq(sweep)
return _frequency_domain_sweep(
frequency_range=[0, sampling_rate / 2],
def linear_perfect_sweep(
n_samples, sampling_rate=44100, return_group_delay=False):
Generate a perfect linear sweep in the frequency domain.
The perfect sweep is generated according to [#]_ and is used for adaptive
system identification. It is orthogonal to delayed versions of itself.
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples.
sampling_rate : int, optional
The sampling rate in Hz. The default is ``44100``.
return_group_delay : boolean, optional
Return the analytical group delay of the sweep. This can be used to
compute the times at which distortion products appear. The default is
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain, has a maximum
absolute amplitude of 1 and the ``none`` FFT normalization
(see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`).
group_delay_sweep : FrequencyData
The analytical group delay of the sweep in seconds as a single sided
spectrum. Only returned if `return_group_delay` is ``True``.
.. [#] C. Antweiler, A. Telle, P. Vary, and G. Enzner, “Perfect-sweep NLMS
for time-variant acoustic system identification,” in IEEE
Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague,
Czech Republic, May 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6287930.
Plot a shifted perfect sweep to show that it can be looped
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> sweep = pf.signals.linear_perfect_sweep(2**8)
>>> sweep_shifted = pf.dsp.time_shift(sweep, 2**7)
>>> ax = pf.plot.time_freq(sweep_shifted, unit='samples')
>>> ax[0].axvline(2**7, ls='--', c='r', label='start/end')
>>> ax[0].legend(loc=4)
Show that the sweep is orthogonal to all shifted version of itself. This
property is important for adaptive system identification.
.. plot::
>>> import pyfar as pf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> sweep = pf.signals.linear_perfect_sweep(2**8)
>>> # compute auto-correlation
>>> auto_correlation = np.empty(2**8)
>>> for idx, shift in enumerate(range(-2**7, 2**7)):
>>> auto_correlation[idx] = np.dot(
... sweep.time.flatten(),
... np.roll(sweep.time.flatten(), shift))
>>> auto_correlation /= pf.dsp.energy(sweep)
>>> # plot auto-correlation
>>> with pf.plot.context():
>>> plt.plot(np.arange(-2**7, 2**7), auto_correlation)
>>> plt.gca().set_xlim(-2**7, 2**7)
>>> plt.gca().set_xlabel('time lag in samples')
>>> plt.gca().set_ylabel('auto correlation')
return _frequency_domain_sweep(
frequency_range=[0, sampling_rate / 2],
def _frequency_domain_sweep(
n_samples, sweep_type, frequency_range, bandpass_order,
start_margin, stop_margin, n_fade_in, n_fade_out, sampling_rate,
Frequency domain sweep synthesis with arbitrary magnitude response [#]_.
Non-unique parameters are documented in ``linear_sweep_freq``,
``exponential_sweep_freq``, ``linear_perfect_sweep``, and
n_samples : int
The length of the sweep in samples.
sweep_type : Signal, string
Specify the magnitude response of the sweep.
The magnitude response as :py:class:`~pyfar.Signal`
object. If ``signal.n_samples`` is smaller than `n_samples`, zeros
are padded to the end of `signal`. Note that `frequency_range` is
not required in this case.
Design a sweep with linearly increasing frequency and a constant
magnitude spectrum.
Design a sweep with exponentially increasing frequency. The
magnitude decreases by 3 dB per frequency doubling and has constant
energy in filters of relative constant bandwidth (e.g. octaves).
Perfect linear sweep. Note that the parameters `start_margin`,
`stop_margin`, and `frequency_range` are not required in this case.
frequency_range : array like
Frequency range of the sweep given by the lower and upper cut-off
frequency in Hz. The restriction of the frequency range is realized
by applying a Butterworth high-pass if ``frequency_range[0] > 0``
and/or by a low-pass if ``frequency_range[1] < sampling_rate / 2``.
Note that the exponential sweep can not start at 0 Hz, because its
magnitude is defined by 1/frequency.
bandpass_order : int
The order of the Butterworth filters that are applied to limit the
frequency range (see above).
start_margin : int, float
The time in samples, at which the sweep starts. The start margin is
required because the frequency domain sweep synthesis has pre-ringing
in the time domain.
stop_margin : int, float
Time in samples, at which the sweep stops. This is relative to
`n_samples`, e.g., a stop margin of 100 samples means that the sweep
ends at sample ``n_samples-100``. This is required, because the
frequency domain sweep synthesis has post-ringing in the time domain.
n_fade_in : int
Duration of a squared sine fade-in in samples. The fade starts at the
first sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal.
n_fade_out : int
Duration of a squared cosine fade-out in samples. The fade ends at the
last sample of the sweep that is closer than 60 dB to the absolute
maximum of the sweep time signal.
sampling_rate : int
The sampling rate in Hz.
return_group_delay : boolean
Return the analytical group delay of the sweep. This can be used to
compute the times at which distortion products appear.
sweep : Signal
The sweep signal. The Signal is in the time domain and has the ``none``
FFT normalization (see :py:func:`~pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization`). The
sweep parameters are written to `comment`.
group_delay_sweep : FrequencyData
The analytical group delay of the sweep in seconds as a single sided
spectrum. Only returned if `return_group_delay` is ``True``.
.. [#] S. Müller, P. Massarani. 'Transfer Function Measurement with Sweeps.
Directors Cut Including Previously Unreleased Material and some
Corrections.' J. Audio Eng. Soc. 2001, 49 (6), 443-471. (all
equations referenced in the code refer to this).
# check input (only checks for user input, no checks for calling the
# private function from the public functions)
if isinstance(sweep_type, pyfar.Signal):
magnitude = sweep_type
sweep_type = 'signal'
if np.atleast_1d(frequency_range).size != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Frequency_range must be an array like with two elements.")
if frequency_range[0] < 0 or frequency_range[1] > sampling_rate/2:
raise ValueError(
("Lower frequency limit must be at least 0 Hz and upper frequency "
"limit must be below half the sampling rate."))
if frequency_range[0] == 0 and sweep_type == "exponential":
"The exponential sweep has a 1/sqrt(frequency) magnitude spectrum."
" The magnitude is set to 0 at 0 Hz to avoid a division by zero."),
# initialize basic parameters ---------------------------------------------
# spacing between frequency bins of FFT
df = sampling_rate / n_samples
# get number of bins (works for even and odd n_samples)
n_bins = n_samples // 2 + 1
# compute magnitude spectrum ----------------------------------------------
if sweep_type == 'signal':
# zero pad magnitude Signal or raise error if needed
if n_samples > magnitude.n_samples:
magnitude = pyfar.dsp.pad_zeros(
magnitude, n_samples - magnitude.n_samples)
elif magnitude.n_samples > n_samples:
raise ValueError(
(f'magnitude_spectrum has {magnitude.n_samples} samples '
f'but must not be longer than {n_samples}'))
sweep_abs = np.abs(magnitude.freq_raw.flatten())
elif sweep_type in ['linear', 'perfect_linear']:
# constant spectrum
sweep_abs = np.ones(n_bins)
elif sweep_type == 'exponential':
# 1/sqrt(f) spectrum
sweep_abs = np.zeros(n_bins)
sweep_abs[1:] = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, n_bins) * df)
# band limit to magnitude spectrum
if sweep_type in ['linear', 'exponential']:
if frequency_range[0] > 0 and frequency_range[1] < sampling_rate / 2:
band_limit = pyfar.dsp.filter.butterworth(
pyfar.signals.impulse(n_samples, sampling_rate=sampling_rate),
bandpass_order, frequency_range, 'bandpass')
elif frequency_range[0] > 0:
band_limit = pyfar.dsp.filter.butterworth(
pyfar.signals.impulse(n_samples, sampling_rate=sampling_rate),
bandpass_order, frequency_range[0], 'highpass')
elif frequency_range[1] < sampling_rate / 2:
band_limit = pyfar.dsp.filter.butterworth(
pyfar.signals.impulse(n_samples, sampling_rate=sampling_rate),
bandpass_order, frequency_range[1], 'lowpass')
band_limit = pyfar.Signal(np.ones_like(sweep_abs), sampling_rate,
n_samples, 'freq')
sweep_abs *= np.abs(band_limit.freq.flatten())
# compute group delay -----------------------------------------------------
# group delay at 0 Hz must be 0
sweep_gd = np.zeros(n_bins)
# group delay at df equals starting time unless it's 0
if start_margin > 0:
sweep_gd[1] = start_margin / sampling_rate
tg_start = 2
tg_start = 1
# group delay at Nyquist equals stopping time
sweep_gd[-1] = (n_samples - stop_margin) / sampling_rate
# FORMULA (11, p.40, in Müller and Massarani 2001)
sweep_power = np.sum(np.abs(sweep_abs**2))
C = (sweep_gd[-1] - sweep_gd[1]) / sweep_power
# FORMULA (10, p.40, in Müller and Massarani 2001)
for k in range(tg_start, n_bins): # index 2 to nyq
sweep_gd[k] = sweep_gd[k-1] + C * np.abs(sweep_abs[k])**2
# compute phase from group delay ------------------------------------------
sweep_ang = -1 * np.cumsum(sweep_gd) * 2 * np.pi * df
# wrap and correct phase to be real 0 at Nyquist
sweep_ang = pyfar.dsp.wrap_to_2pi(sweep_ang)
sweep_ang[sweep_ang > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi
if sweep_type == 'perfect_linear':
sweep_ang[-1] = 0
elif sweep_ang[-1] != 0 and not n_samples % 2:
factor = np.cumsum(np.ones_like(sweep_ang)) - 1
offset = df * sweep_ang[-1] / (sampling_rate / 2)
sweep_ang -= factor * offset
sweep_ang[-1] = np.abs(sweep_ang[-1])
# compute and finalize return data ----------------------------------------
# put group delay on pyfar FrequencyData
sweep_gd = pyfar.FrequencyData(
sweep_gd, pyfar.dsp.fft.rfftfreq(n_samples, sampling_rate))
# combine magnitude and phase of sweep
sweep = sweep_abs * np.exp(1j * sweep_ang)
# put sweep in pyfar.Signal an transform to time domain
sweep = pyfar.Signal(sweep, sampling_rate, n_samples, 'freq', 'none')
# find windowing end points heuristically. The start and stop margin are
# not reliable, because freq. domain synthesis causes pre/post-ringing
if n_fade_in or n_fade_out:
threshold = 10**(-60/20) * np.max(np.abs(sweep.time))
fade_start = np.argmax(np.abs(sweep.time) > threshold)
fade_end = n_samples - \
np.argmax(np.abs(sweep.time.flatten()[::-1]) > threshold)
print([fade_start, fade_end])
# generate windows for fade in and/or out
if n_fade_in and n_fade_out:
fade = [fade_start, fade_start + n_fade_in,
fade_end - n_fade_out, fade_end]
shape = 'symmetric'
elif n_fade_in:
fade = [fade_start, fade_start + n_fade_in]
shape = 'left'
elif n_fade_out:
fade = [fade_end - n_fade_out, fade_end]
shape = 'right'
fade = None
# apply window
if fade is not None:
sweep = pyfar.dsp.time_window(sweep, fade, shape=shape)
# normalize to time domain amplitude
sweep = pyfar.dsp.normalize(sweep)
if return_group_delay:
return sweep, sweep_gd
return sweep
def _time_domain_sweep(n_samples, frequency_range, n_fade_out, amplitude,
sampling_rate, sweep_type, sweep_rate=None):
# check input
if np.atleast_1d(frequency_range).size != 2:
raise ValueError(
"frequency_range must be an array like with to elements.")
if frequency_range[1] > sampling_rate/2:
raise ValueError(
"Upper frequency limit is larger than half the sampling rate.")
if frequency_range[0] == 0 and sweep_type == "exponential":
raise ValueError("The exponential sweep can not start at 0 Hz.")
# generate sweep
if sweep_type == "linear":
sweep = _linear_sweep(
n_samples, frequency_range, amplitude, sampling_rate)
elif sweep_type == 'exponential':
sweep = _exponential_sweep(
n_samples, frequency_range, amplitude, sweep_rate, sampling_rate)
# fade out
n_fade_out = int(n_fade_out)
if n_fade_out > 0:
# check must be done here because n_samples might not be defined if
# using the sweep_rate for exponential sweeps
if sweep.size < n_fade_out:
raise ValueError("The sweep must be longer than n_fade_out.")
sweep[-n_fade_out:] *= np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, n_fade_out))**2
# save to signal
comment = (f"{sweep_type} sweep between {frequency_range[0]} "
f"and {frequency_range[1]} Hz "
f"with {n_fade_out} samples squared cosine fade-out.")
signal = pyfar.Signal(
sweep, sampling_rate, fft_norm="none", comment=comment)
return signal
def _linear_sweep(n_samples, frequency_range, amplitude, sampling_rate):
# generate sweep
n_samples = int(n_samples)
t = np.arange(n_samples) / sampling_rate
T = n_samples / sampling_rate
# [1, page 5]
sweep = amplitude * np.sin(
2 * np.pi * frequency_range[0] * t +
2 * np.pi * (frequency_range[1]-frequency_range[0]) / T * t**2 / 2)
return sweep
def _exponential_sweep(n_samples, frequency_range, amplitude, sweep_rate,
c = np.log(frequency_range[1] / frequency_range[0])
# get n_samples
if sweep_rate is not None:
L = 1 / sweep_rate / np.log(2)
T = L * c
n_samples = np.round(T * sampling_rate)
n_samples = int(n_samples)
# L for actual n_samples
L = n_samples / sampling_rate / c
# make the sweep
times = np.arange(n_samples) / sampling_rate
sweep = amplitude * np.sin(
2 * np.pi * frequency_range[0] * L * (np.exp(times / L) - 1))
return sweep
def _match_shape(*args):
Match the shape of *args to the shape of the arg with the largest size
using np.broadcast_shapes and np.broadcast_to().
*args :
data for matching shape
shape : tuple
new common shape of the args
args : list
args with new common shape
(*arg_1, *arg_2, ..., *arg_N)
# broadcast shapes
shape = np.broadcast_shapes(*[np.atleast_1d(arg).shape for arg in args])
# match the shape
result = []
for arg in args:
arg = np.broadcast_to(arg, shape)
return shape, result