
0.7.0 (2024-09-20)#

  • Features

    • Signals and TimeData objects can now have complex time data. This is specified by the complex flag. In the case of Signal objects, this results in both sided spectra (PR #504, #396, #462, #464, #505, #510, #513, #547, #646, #655, #668, #704) * Functions in the dsp module can now handle complex valued time data or raise an error (PR #459, #460, #461, #525, #546, #566, #567, #573, #592, #594, #598, #601, #677) * All plot functions can now handle complex valued time data and both sided spectra via the options side and mode (PR #615, #652, #656, #671, #672, #702)

    • Added TransmissionMatrix Class, which is a convenient representations for two-ports / quadrupoles. These can represent systems from various fields, e.g. electrical circuits, mechanical vibration, (acoustic) transmission lines (PR #636).

    • Added frequency domain sweep synthesis (PR #199)

    • Added spectral soft limiting (PR #325)

    • Added arithmetic operations for Coordinate class (PR #680)

    • Added transpose method to audio classes (PR #481)

    • Added allpass filters (PR #571)

    • Added cdim property to audio classes (PR #619)

  • Enhancements

    • The sampling_rate property of Signal Objects is enforced to be a scalar. (PR #534)

    • The ticks in phase plots adjust better to the range of the data shown in the plot (PR #559)

    • Replaced scipy’s legacy spectrogram with new short-time Fourier transform implementation (PR #682)

    • Deprecated Python 3.8 (PR #683)

  • Bugfixes

    • Removed phase for FFT normalizations ‘power’ and ‘psd’ (PR #557)

    • Fix unit string in group delay plot (PR #703)

    • Rename and deprecate shelve/shelf, shelve_type/shelf_type due to a typo in the function names (PR #643)

  • Documentation

    • Improve docstring for pyfar.signals.exponential_sweep_time (PR #514)

    • Show paths of classes as imported in pyfar (PR #684)

  • Automation and testing

    • replace flake8 by ruff (PR #526, #611, #686, #687, #688, #689, #690, #691, #702, #699, #697)

    • remove environment files which are no longer required (PR #626)

    • Harmonize class documentation (PR #631)

    • wait for test_deprecation_warnings before release (PR #696)

0.6.10 (2024-09-23)#

  • Fix bug in compress parameter in pyfar.io.write. Previously files were compressed if compress=False (PR #707)

  • Automation and testing: wait for test deprecations before release (PR #696)

0.6.9 (2024-09-13)#

  • Documentation

    • Improve the layout of the main page of the documentation (PR #653, #679)

    • Improve documentation of pyfar.dsp.filter.high_shelve_cascade and pyfar.dsp.filter.low_shelve_cascade (PR #648)

    • Correct erroneous description of default value for the num_fractions parameter in pyfar.dsp.filter.fractional_octave_bands

    • Fix broken link to python-soundfile documentation (PR #651)

  • Bugfixes and enhancements

    • Slicing on pyfar audio objects (e.g., signal[0]) now always gives entire channels and en error is raised if slicing of signal objects would return a subset of the samples or frequencies. This must now be done using signal.time and signal.freq directly (e.g., signal.time[…, 0:5], PR #674)

    • The Coordinates class now only raises a deprecation warning, if the parameter sh_order is set with a number (e.g., coordinates.sh_order = 1) but not if it is None (PR #694)

    • All dsp and filter functions now maintain the shape and cshape of the input data (PR #676, #658, #659, #663, #664, #666, #678)

    • Fix deprecation warnings from Matlab and Numpy (PR #640, #670)

    • Change default value for domain parameter in pyfar.dsp.normalize to work for pyfar.FrequencyData objects (PR #649)

    • Use numpy functions for broadcasting input of pyfar.Coordinates (PR #665)

  • Automation and testing

    • Pull request now require version labels (PR #622)

    • Added test for deprecation warnings (PR #644)

    • Limit to sphinx version <8 to avoid failing builds on readthedocs (PR #662)

0.6.8 (2024-06-27)#

  • Make compatible for scipy 1.14 (PR #638)

  • Fix previous page title on pyfar main page (#637)

  • Enhance user warning for writing clipped audio files (#624)

  • Improve documentation (#634)

  • Introduce radius_tol to Coordiantes.find_nearest (#621)

0.6.7 (2024-06-17)#

  • Make compatibile for numpy 2.0 (PR #629)

0.6.6 (2024-06-07)#

  • Improve documentation (PR #569, #574, #590, #591, #597, #605)

  • Allow all arithmetic operations involving a single pyfar audio object (#606)

  • Fix bug in Coordinates.find_within where not all or too many points were returned (#617)

  • Allow None in Coordinates.sh_order property (#596)

  • Always use frequency_range as parameter and deprecate freq_range in pyfar 0.8.0 (#589)

  • Update dependencies (PR #564)

  • Improve CI (#570, #586, #605, #607)

0.6.5 (2024-03-15)#

  • Coordinates.show now plots on equally scaled axis (PR #554)

  • Update documentation to pydata theme (PR #560)

  • Improve documentation (PR #544, #548, #549, #556)

  • Add testing for Python 3.12 (PR #561)

0.6.4 (2024-02-16)#

  • Bugfix in pyfar.io.read_comsol_header: Fix for reading expressions containing the characters ‘-’, ‘[’, and ‘]’ (PR #535)

  • Bugfix in pyfar.dsp.fft.normalization: Correct the normalization factor for the case fft_norm==’psd’. (PR #541)

  • Maintenance: Remove tests for deprecated numpy functionality (PR #537)

0.6.3 (2024-01-26)#

  • Bugfix in pyfar.utils.concatenate_channels: Amplitude of time domain Signals was wrong when concatenating in the frequency domain and concatenation failed for a mixture of Signals in the time and frequency domain (PR #532)

0.6.2 (2024-01-12)#

  • Bugfix in pyfar.Coordinates.find_within: Fix for spherical distance measures and improved flexibility and documentation (PR #524)

0.6.1 (2023-11-17)#

  • Bugfix in pyfar.Coordinates.find_nearest: Correct name of parameter ‘spherical_radians’ in docstring and fix computation of spherical distance between query points and actual points (PR #519)

  • Improve pyfar.signals.files.head_related_impulse_responses: Use new structure of pyfar.Coordinates to find the requested head-related impulse responses (PR #520)

0.6.0 (2023-10-20)#

  • Refactored pyfar.Coordinates class and module

    • Added getter and setter for each pyfar coordinate, e.g., pyfar.Coordinates.elevation (PR #429)

    • Added getter and setter for each pyfar coordinate system, e.g., pyfar.Coordinates.cartesian (PR #429)

    • Added possibility to use an array of indices for Coordinates.show (PR #478)

    • Deprecated getter and setter methods get_cart, set_cart, get_sph, set_sph, get_cyl, set_cyl. Those will be removed in pyfar 0.8.0 (PR #429)

    • Deprecated the class property Coordinates.sh_order, which will be removed in pyfar 0.8.0 (PR #429) in favor of the sampling_sphere class from spharpy v1.0.0 (PR #429)

    • Added new class methods Coordinates.find_nearest and Coordinates.find_within (PR #429)

    • Deprecatex methods Coordinates.find_nearest_k, Coordinates.find_slice, Coordinates.find_nearest_cart, and Coordinates.find_nearest_sph. Will be removed in pyfar 0.8.0 (PR #478)

    • Added rad2deg and deg2rad converter (PR #500)

    • Coordinates angles are always returned in radians (PR #429)

    • Coordinates are always stored in cartesian coordinates internally and converted upon request (PR #429)

    • Changed type of return arguments in now deprecated Coordinates.find_slice (PR #386)

  • pyfar audio classes (pyfar.Signal, pyfar.TimeData, pyfar.FrequencyData)

    • Added the possibility to store spectra with a single frequency (PR #433)

    • Empty comments, e.g., in Signal.comment are now set as an empty string not as ‘none’ (PR #379)

    • Deprecated the possibility to call len(Signal) because it was not clearly described and redundant (PR #418)

  • pyfar.utils

    • Added functions to broadcast audio classes to a certain channel dimension or shape in pf.utils.broadcast_cshape, pf.utils.broadcast_cshapes, pf.utils.broadcast_cdim, pf.utils.broadcast_cdims (PR #385)

  • pyfar.dsp

    • Added pyfar.dsp.concatenate function for pyfar audio objects (PR #452)

    • Added pyfar.dsp.filter.notch function (PR #441)

    • Added the possibility to cast signals with different channel dimensions in pyfar.dsp.convolve (PR #404)

    • Allowed NaN values in pyfar.dsp.average and pyfar.dsp.normalize (PR #425, #399)

    • Added more verbose names for the mode parameter of pyfar.dsp.pad_zeros (PR #381)

  • pyfar.plot

    • Added the possibility to pass an empty dictionary as plot style to all pyfar plot function to use the currently active plot stlye in favor of the pyfar plot style (PR #446)

    • Removed unwanted minor ticks that could appear if zooming into a logarithmic frequency axis (PR #450)

  • pyfar.io

    • Save the current pyfar version if using pyfar.io.write for providing more verbose feedback in case old data can not be read with newer versions of pyfar in the future (PR #445)

    • Updated version of sofar package. pyfar.io.read_sofa now also works with path objects (PR #472)

    • pyfar.io.read_comsol can now handle expressions containing the characters ‘*’ ‘(’ and ‘)’ (PR #393)

    • pyfar.io.write_audio does now accept sampling rates of type float, if they do not contain decimal values (PR #414)

  • pyfar.signals.files

    • Bugfix HRTFs are now returned in the requested order (PR #387)

  • pyfar.samplings

    • Deprecated pyfar samplings in pyfar 0.8.0. Samplings and are now available from spharpy v1.0.0 (PR #486)

  • Documentation

    • Show the plot shortcuts for interactive plotting (PR #422)

    • Added documentation for missing unit parameter in pyfar.dsp.fractional_time_shift (PR #484)

    • Corrected plot legend in the documentation of pyfar.dsp.InterpolateSpectrum (PR #457)

    • Improved documentation for pyfar.dsp.filter.GammatoneBands (PR #372)

    • Improved display of time axes in plots shown in the documentation (PR #423)

    • Add links to pyfar.org, readthedocs, and github on pypi.org (PR #356)

    • Improved documentation (PR #467, #458, #394, #498)

  • CI, testing, and installation

    • Added PyfarDeprecationWarning Class to make sure warnings are always shown (PR #419, #397)

    • Made it possible to install and run pyfar in read only containers (PR #499)

    • Removed tox.ini which is not needed anymore after moving to circle CI (PR #480)

    • Updated testing guidelines (PR #407)

    • Adapted tests to avoid warnings from third party packages (PR #477, #434, #388)

    • Removed functions scheduled for deprecation in pyfar 0.6.0 (PR #476)

    • Added testing for Python 3.11 (PR #471)

    • Removed authors in favor of contributions shown on github (PR #413)

0.5.4 (2023-09-29)#

  • Dependencies: Constrain matplotlib to versions <= 3.7, due to deprecations of the tight_layout function in matplotlib 3.8 (PR #497).

  • Bugfix: Fix order order property for pyfar.FilterSOS (PR #487).

  • Bugfix: Fix broken tests for filter class copy methods (PR #488).

  • Improvements to the documentation (PR #470).

  • Flake8 fixes.

0.5.3 (2023-03-30)#

  • Bugfix: Spectrum interpolation on logarithmically spaced frequency bins including zero frequency. (PR #453)

  • Bugfix: Include signal domain and fft norm when writing Signals to far-files. (PR #443)

  • Bugfix: Return the HRIRs contained in the sample file in the correct order. (PR #448)

0.5.2 (2023-01-20)#

  • Bugfix: Remove deprecated usage of np.int. (PR #409)

  • Bugfix: Switch to MathJax to fix equation rendering issues in the documentation. (PR #420)

  • Bugfix: read_comsol now allow for *, (, and ) in expressions and units. (PR #417, originally #393)

  • Bugfix: read_sofa now support reading files of conventions FIR-E and TF-E. (PR #415)

  • General: Update information on PyPI. (PR #427, originally #377)

0.5.1 (2022-10-28)#

  • Bugfix: Allow setting of the sampling rate in GammatoneBands (PR #374)

  • Bugfix: Added GammatoneBands filter bank to concepts (PR #372)

0.5.0 (2022-10-13)#

  • General

    • End support for Python 3.7 because it was deprecated in numpy functionality also used by pyfar (PR #350)

    • Deprecate read_wav and write_wav from the pyfar.io module in favor or read_audio and write_audio (PR# 310)

    • Deprecate the get_nearst_* functions from the Coordinates class in favor of find_nearest_* functions (PR #310)

    • Deprecate linear_sweep and exponential_sweep from the pyfar.signals module in favor or linear_sweep_time and exponential_sweep_time (PR #310)

    • Deprecate cryptic names in pyfar.dsp.filter module for more verbose names, e.g., butter was deprecated in favor of butterworth (PR #310)

    • Improved Documentation and bugfixes (PR #324, #354, #355)

  • Audio classes (Signal, TimeData, and FrequencyData)

    • Added matrix multiplication to arithmetic operations (PR #277)

    • Improved broadcasting and documentation for arithmetic operations (PR #318)

    • The data type is now automatically derived from the input. The parameter dtype was removed and the class structure improved (PR #344)

  • pyfar.dsp

    • Improved algorithm of minimum_phase for arbitrary impulse responses (PR #303)

    • Added resample function for sample rate conversions (PR #297, #321, #333)

    • Added find_impulse_response_start and find_impulse_response_delay to detect the time of arrival in impulse responses (PR # 203)

    • Added normalize function for time and frequency domain normalization (PR #323)

    • Added energy, power, and rms for computing energy measures in the time domain (PR #338)

    • Added time_shift function for applying linear and cyclic integer delays (PR #312)

    • Added fractional_time_shift function for applying linear and cyclic fractional delays (PR # 292)

    • Added fractional_octave_smoothing function (PR #297)

    • Added decibel function (PR #305, #322)

    • Added new mandatory parameter freq_range to deconvolve (PR #370)

    • Added average function for averaging channels (PR #330)

  • pyfar.dsp.filter

    • Added reconstructing auditory GammatoneBands filter bank (PR #327)

  • pyfar.signals

    • Improved flexibility and broadcasting of parameters for impulse and sine signals (PR #313)

  • pyfar.io

    • Added read_comsol and read_comsol_header to import data from COMSOL (PR #339)

    • Include updates incl. MP3 support from soundfile v0.11.0 for write_audio and read_audio (PR #365)

  • pyfar.plot

    • Time domain plots now always use seconds as the default unit. The previous default ‘auto’ caused unexpected behavior by changing the unit of already existing plots depending on the lengths of the Signal that was plotted last (PR #308)

  • Other

    • Test building the documentation using CI (PR #319, #348)

    • Fixed broken mybinder.org examples (PR #341)

    • Internal refactoring, documentation, and bug fixes (PR #326, #331, #352)

0.4.3 (2022-08-08)#

  • Make python-soundfile an optional requirement due to unsupported architectures. Note that without python-soundfile common audio file format are no longer supported via pyfar.io (PR #334, #340).

  • Developer: Switch to CircleCI for continuous testing (PR #336).

0.4.2 (2022-05-20)#

  • Bugfix: Sweep functions marked for deprecation had no return value.

0.4.1 (2022-04-08)#

  • Bugfix: do not allow ‘flat’ shading parameter in 2D plot functions (PR #291)

0.4.0 (2022-03-02)#

  • pyfar.plot

    • The plot module was largely extended by 2D color coded versions of the former line plot functions: time_2d, freq_2d, phase_2d, group_delay_2d, time_freq_2d, freq_phase_2d and freq_group_delay_2d. New shortcuts for interactive plots were added to cycle between line and 2D plots and to toggle between vertical and horizontal orientation of 2D plots. (PR #198, #273, #276)

    • The xscale parameter was replaced by the more explicit freq_scale parameter in all plot functions. It will be removed in pyfar 0.6.0 (PR #282)

  • pyfar.filter

    • Added cascaded shelving filters low_shelve_cascade and high_shelve_cascade used to generate filters with a user definable slope given in dB per octaves within a certain frequency region. (PR #284)

  • pyfar.Signal

    • Added a freq_raw property, which is the frequency spectrum without normalization. It enables easy access and reduces complexity in internal computations. (PR #274)

0.3.0 (2022-01-28)#

  • More reasonable handling of FFT normalizations in arithmetic operations. This is a major change and might break backwards compatibility in some cases (although this is unlikely to happen, PR #253, #245, #235).

  • The documentation now contains concepts behind pyfar in a separate section. This makes the concepts easier to find and understand and the documentation of the classes and functions cleaner (PR #251, #243).

  • pyfar.dsp

    • Added convolve for convolution of signals in the time and frequency domain (PR #232)

    • Added deconvolve for frequency domain deconvolution with the optional regularization (PR #212)

    • functions in the filter module have more verbose names, e.g., ‘butterworth’ instead of ‘butter’. Functions with old names will be deprecated in pyfar 0.5.0 (PR #248).

    • time_window can now return the window to make it easier to inspect windows and apply windows multiple times (PR #247)

    • the dB parameters in spectrogram obsolete. They were thus removed and can be controlled in the plot function pyfar.plot.spectrogram instead (PR #258, #256).

  • pyfar.io

    • pyfar.io.read and pyfar.io.write can now handle Python built in data types (PR #205)

    • added read_audio and write_audio to support more types of audio files (based on the soundfile package). The old functions read_wav and write_wav will be deprecated in pyfar 0.5.0 (PR #234)

    • read_sofa can now also load SOFA files of DataType ‘TransferFunction’ (e.g. GeneralTF) and uses the sofar package (PR #254, #240).

  • pyfar.plot

    • Plots of the magnitude spectrum now use 10 as the new default log_prefix for calculating the level in dB for plotting Signals with the FFT normalizations 'psd' and 'power' (PR #260)

    • Improved handling of colorbar in pyfar.plot.spectrogram. A speparate axis for the colorbar can be passed to the function. The function can return the axis of the colorbar. (PR #216)

    • custom_subplot now returns axis handles (PR #237)

    • Frequency plots allow to show negative frequencies (PR #233)

  • Filter classes (pyfar.FilterFIR, pyfar.FilterIIR, pyfar.FilterSOS)

    • Rename the property shape to n_channels. pyfar Filter objects do not support multi-dimensional layouts (PR #102)

    • Filter states can now be saved to allow block-wise processing (PR #102)

    • The coefficients can now be set. This allows to mimic time variant systems in block-wise processing (PR #252)

    • Improved documentation (PR #252)

  • Audio classes (pyfar.Signal, pyfar.TimeData, pyfar.FrequencyData)

    • Make arithmetic operations available as pyfar.add, pyfar.subtract, etc. (PR # 230)

    • Remove fft normalizations from FrequencyData (PR #225)

  • pyfar.Coordinates and pyfar.Orientations

    • Renamed methods pyfar.Coordinates.get_nearest_* to pyfar.Coordinates.find_nearest_*. Old methods will be deprecated in pyfar 0.5.0 (PR #209)

    • The plots generated by Coordinates.show and Orientations.show now use the pyfar plot style (PR #169)

  • pyfar.signals

    • renamed pyfar.signals.linear_sweep to pyfar.signals.linear_sweep_time and pyfar.signals.exponential_sweep to pyfar.signals.exponential_sweep_time. Old functions will be deprecated in pyfar 0.5.0 (PR # 201)

  • CI: Only test wheels to save time during testing (PR #236)

  • Enhanced contributing guidelines (PR #239)

0.2.3 (2021-11-12)#

  • Fix broken install on Python 3.9

0.2.2 (2021-11-05)#

  • Removed dependency on pyfftw in favor of scipy.fft to support Python 3.9 and above (PR #227)

0.2.1 (2021-10-12)#

  • Bugfix for left and right hand side arithmetic operators (PR #226)

0.2.0 (2021-06-01)#

  • pyfar.dsp

    • added linear_phase (PR #176)

    • added minimum_phase (PR #185)

    • added zero_phase (PR #175)

    • added time_window (PR #178)

    • added pad_zeros (PR #184)

    • added time_shift (PR #186)

    • added InterpolateSpectrum (PR #187)

    • Unified the unit parameter in the pyfar.dsp module to reduce duplicate code. Unit can now only be samples or s (seconds) but not ms or mus (milli, micro seconds) (PR #194)

  • pyfar.dsp.filter

    • Add reconstructing fractional octave filter bank (PR #180)

    • Bugfix for mis-matching filter slopes in crossover filter (PR #174)

  • Refactored internal handling of filter functionality for filter classes (PR #190)

  • Added functionality to save/read filter objects to/from disk in pyfar.io.read and pyfar.io.write (PR #192, #182)

  • Improved unit tests

  • Improved documentation

0.1.0 (2021-04-11)#

  • First release on PyPI